Tuesday with Venus - Pt. 1

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A/N - How is Venus after the argument? Let's find out in this chapter!!!

In Britain we call cigarettes a multitude of things, a popular thing we call them are 'fags' so if you see that word in this chapter i'm referring to cigarettes, not the gays!!!

Venus lays in his bed, he was fucking horrible wasn't he? Was he even a good friend to anyone? He knows he makes everyone else sad, not just Mercury. Venus reaches for his phone and checks the time '4:37AM'. He sighs, and messages Mx. Pandaa.

DM's - Venus: Venus - Mx. Pandaa: Pandaa

Venus: Mx. Pandaa?
Venus: can you tell the teachers i won't be in today? i feel bad

Pandaa: Hm? It's only 4am, how about you get some sleep and if you still feel bad then you can have the day off.

Venus: no not bad as in 'i feel sick' i mean bad as in 'i fucked up and dont want to see the person i hurt' bad

Pandaa: Oh? Have you gotten into another argument, Venus?

Venus: yeah

Pandaa: Was it with that brunette?

Venus: How did you know?

Pandaa: In lessons you seem to tease him an awful lot.

Venus: ...

Pandaa: Get some sleep, come into my classroom and you can help me with teaching for the day, sound good?

Venus: thank you.

Pandaa: Don't mention it, but I'll only be allowing this today and tomorrow. After that you should apologise.

Venus: i have! but he think its because earth told me to, and maybe a little bit of it is but i really did mean the apology and now i dont think i can apologise without making it seem as if its because im trying to please someone and it really isnt!!!!

Pandaa: Oh, that's an issue. We can talk about it during my break, now get some sleep before it's too late, I don't want an assistant who can't keep their eyes focused!!

Venus: alr alr ty Mx. Pandaa.

Pandaa: It's certainly not an issue Venus.

Venus is offline.

Pandaa is offline.

Venus sighs, that fixes something for today and tomorrow. But he doesn't feel sleepy AT ALL. He groans quietly and gets out of bed, throwing a white vest on (he's wearing shorts u fools) and a green jacket, he slips on some shoes before heading to the drawers that contain socks, he digs around before pulling out a small box, he slips it into his jacker pocket and exits his room, locking the door. Venus walks past everyones rooms to get to the exit of the dorm, he leaves and makes his way to the yard.

He goes behind a tree and pulls the small box out, opening it and pulling out a cigarette, placing the butt of it in his mouth, he pulls a lighter from the box also, bringing the lighter up to the cigarette, one hand cupped around the cigarette and lighter as to not allow the wind to blow the flame out, Venus inhales, pocketing the lighter and box. He takes the cigarette from his mouth and exhales, he places the butt back in his mouth and inhales again, thinking, before he removes the fag from his mouth and breaths out, 'I hope Mercury doesn't leave.' he thinks as he repeats the actions over and over again, slowly getting lost in thought.

"They're not healthy you know."

An unfamiliar voice states, snapping Venus out of his thought and looking over to the newcomer who's sat herself beside Venus, she reeked of drugs.
"I know." Venus replied, taking another drag, "I doubt drugs are good either." he shrugs, causing the girl to laugh,
"Ahaha! You've got me there."
"Not a talker? That's fine. I'm Iva."
"The girl who got temporarily suspended for drugs?"
"Yep, that's me."
"Hm, Venus."
"The basketball guy?"
"Hm, you don't seem that happy.."
"I'm not."
"What's happened? I'm quite good at giving advice."
"...I hurt one of my friends' feelings and it's made me reflect on my actions towards all of my friends and made me realize I've hurt them all unintentionally."
"Have you apologised?"
"Tried to, he didn't take me seriously."
"Hm, what did you tell him?"
"uhm 'I'm sorry'...?"
"That may be why then, you wanna make it a good apology, don't yap for too long, but acknowledge what you've done wrong admist the apology."
"...thats...helpful...thank you."
"It's nothing." The girl, Iva, took a small baggie out of her pocket, "Here. Helps when emotions become too much."
"Ah-?" Venus doesn't reach for it, but Iva forces it into his hand, she stands and stretches her arms,
"Well, I'm off. Gotta shower the smell of drugs and smoke off, you might wanna do the same Venus." And with that she had left.

Venus looked at the baggie in his hand, he finished his fag and stood, hopefully there was orange juice in the dorms. He pocketed the baggie and made his way to his dorm, avoiding the cameras and teachers, he makes it to his dorm, walking in he's met with a very annoyed Mercury sitting on the settee. Venus looks away and heads to the kitchen, grabbing some orange juice from the fridge, he pours it into a glass and downs it, he winces slightly, yikes his throat was fucked. He poured more orange juice to refill the cup, before putting the juice in the fridge, and then picking up the cup. Drinking some more, he turned around and saw Mercury was now in the doorway.



Venus tried to walk around Mercury, but he was stopped by Mercury grabbing his arm. Mercury's nose wrinkled slightly as he breathed in and out.
"Fucking hell, were you smoking or what?"
"...It's a yes or no question Venus."
"I was."
"Fucks sakes...really?? You'll be suspended if you get caught!"
"I'm not going to get caught."
Mercury scoffs, before a look of shock crossed his face, he sniffed the air again and scowled,
"Drugs?! Really??!"
"It wasn't me."
"Who was it then??"
"You know, the girl who got suspended for drug dealing."
"Did she give you any?" Mercury eyed Venus suspiciously,
"No." A lie fell from Venus' lips easily, Venus didn't falter with his response,
"...you better be telling the truth, and if you're not it better NOT BE heroine, that shit sometimes has nitazines mixed into it." He scowled,
"I don't have any."
Mercury sighed and let go of Venus' arm, "We may be in an argument right now, but I still care for you Venus."
"..." Venus walked off to his room to shower and change into non-smoky and drug smelling clothes,
"...dumbass" Mercury sighed, heading to his own room.

Venus had showered and gotten into fresh clothes, he had put the little box back, after putting the baggie in there as well ofc. He looked at the time. 5AM. He has some time to catch some Z's.
Venus laid in his bed, closing his eyes and falling asleep soon after.

A/N - well, this was easier to write than everything else. ALSO, the teacher is a self insert, but they're js there because i can't think of teachers' names, lol.
Now, some facts about Iva and Mx. Pandaa

She's the same age as the rockies and in Mars' class.
She has dark green hair and dull brown eyes.
She normally can be found wearing the school uniform, but thats just because her normal clothes reek of drugs.
Iva has been suspended before for drug dealing.
Iva does NOT care about anyone else, if she comforts you, she's just looking for a new customer.

Mx. Pandaa:
They're the art teacher, they teach Uranus' class twice every Tuesday because thats the GCSE(* pls check end notes) class.
They have circular glasses that have black frames and white hair, hence why everyone refers to them as Mx, Pandaa.
They're actual name is Mx. Ader, but everyone calls them that due to their simular colour palette with a panda.
Mx. Pandaa is the teacher you go to if you have any concerns with lessons or friendship issues.

(*) GCSE are the options British students pick to study and learn, so someone can pick:
Art, History and Cooking. - They won't need to do anything else but these three lessons and the compulsory ones (E.g: Maths, English, Science, RSE, PE, etc.) 

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