Hang out pt. 2

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A/N - This is a bonus chapter since its gonna be irl not chatfic.

The few dumbasses who decided to go out in the last chapter went to one of those amusements by a beach. Dont ask, but they were all being fools the entire time.

Mars and Earth were going claw machine to claw machine until they won something for Venus.
They ended up getting this plushies of the planet Venus from this claw machine that had these 'Solarballs' plushies. They were adorable and ended up vetting their own aswell. Actually they decided to try get one for everyone.

Neptune and Uranus were aweing over a spider that was on the window, X was terrified and ended up hanging out with the Rockies instead.

X: "Your both crap at claw machines."
Mars: "I'd like to see you try."
Earth: *moves out of the way for X*
X: "Bet."

X won the Uranus plush first try. Fucks sakes. Mars and Earth were humbled asf.

Uranus was watching this entire thing go on with the lil spider in his hands, Neptune decided to join in on the claw machine to try and get his own.
It took him a few tries but he got his in the end. He went over to show Uranus happily, Uranus was very very proud of his cousin for getting a plush from the rigged machines- I mean, claw machines.

Uranis gave more money to Earth and Mars and the two money gremlins went on air hockey.
This was a big mistake considering the two were really violent during air hockey. The little red disc went flying, hit a machine and bounced out the door after Mars hit it.
Earth burst out into laughter and went to go get it, Mars was giggling at what he just did.

They all went to a chip shop and got some chips before going on the beach and chilling, Earth started fighting a seagull.
Mars was recording it.

All in all it was a very eventful day out!


Uranus is never inviting them out again-

A/N - Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, its been in my drafts for a good while and its getting me down bc i dont have any ideas for it. I may come back rewrite it better someday, but today is not that day.

Also keep an eye out for the next chapter (Special lil ship that has been hinted at is main characters if that chapter!!)

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