Unbroken (Ghost)

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Unbroken-Black Veil Brides

It was a mission gone wrong. They grabbed me and shot Ghost.

Next thing I know we are being woken up in a cellar. No windows and only one door. Ghost and I were tied to a chair across from each other.

They kept punching Ghost. Screaming at him for intel. He stayed quiet. They cut him, shocked him, and even waterboarded him.


I sat there and had to watch them torture Ghost and for what? Intel, we didn't even have.

Ghost's head hung down and I feared his body finally gave up.

The team left but I couldn't take my eyes off Ghost.

"Ghost? Please wake up!", I said, muffled through the gag they had on me.


I knew I was too muffled for him to hear me. The team came back in and looked between us.

"Since the big guy won't talk, maybe his little bird will sing for us.", the leader said, making his way over to me.

It was like something had awakened in Ghost. He picked his head up and started to fight against his restraints.

"Don't touch her! Don't you fucking touch her!", he yelled.

"I see someone suddenly has some fight in him.", the leader chuckled and ran his thumb along my cheek.

I closed my eyes and tried to dissociate.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off her! I'll fucking kill you. You bastard."

The leader took another look at me and walked behind me.

"Tell me what I want to know, and I'll leave the little bird alone."

"We don't know anything. We were sent to get intel on you. That's all."

"Who sent you?"

Ghost stayed quiet.

The leader reached around and grabbed my face.

"Get your hand off her."

"Who sent you?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Ghost. He gave me a look to let me know it was ok. That we were somehow going to make it out of here. And it's like the gods heard our prayers....there was an explosion. The men and their leader fled the floor to see what was going on.

"Love, keep your eyes on me. I'm going to somehow get free."

He pulled against his restraints. Then began rocking himself back and forth then went onto trying to bounce the chair. It was like luck was on our side. The chair broke. Idiots didn't think to invest in a good chair.

Ghost worked on freeing himself from the restraints and then made his way over to me.

He undid the gag and softly touched my face. I pulled back and let a few tears fall. Ghost undid my restraints. He picked me up bridal style and started to make his way to the door.

Someone on the other side was banging against it before they made their way in. Ghost quickly turned around to shield me from whoever was coming in.

"Ghost.", Price spoke.

He turned back around and looked at Price.

"It's clear. Let's get you both out of here."

Back at base I couldn't leave Ghost's side. Almost every night I slept in his bed. He sat at my feet not able to sleep. Even though we were safe it was like Ghost had to keep guard to make sure I would never go through that again. Even though he was the one being tortured.

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