Blue Jeans (Graves)

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Blue Jeans- Lana Del Rey

One thing about Phillip Graves was he looked damn good in blue jeans and a white shirt. Every weekend he wore that outfit because he knew I liked it.

He came out of the bedroom. Those jeans undone and hung loose on his hips. Torso still damp from the shower. The white shirt in his right hand and his belt in the other.

I smiled at him and he just grinned.

"Hello darlin'."

My smile turned into a smirk. Phillip laid his shirt on the back of the couch and fixed his jeans then put in his belt maintaining eye contact with me.

He slowly grabbed his shirt and slipped it on.

"I was thinking about heading to the hardware store and then down to that fruit stand. It's about time for them to start selling peaches."

"Is that so?"

"Sure, is sugar."

I walked over to Phil and grabbed the bottom of his shirt smiling up at him.

"Why don't you go get your pretty little self all dolled up and come with me."

I nodded. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Then I walked to our bedroom and threw on some clothes. Once I was done, I came out and grabbed my bag.

"I swear you're always prettier than a Georgia peach darlin'."

I giggled at Phil and placed a kiss against his cheek.

We left and headed to the hardware store. Grabbed lunch then headed to the fruit stand.

When we got back home Phil went out back and started to build a little garden for me.

He was the most perfect man.

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