Chapter 19: Midterms (Part 1)

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Ryan had his hand on the doorknob when Sam asked, "You have your phone charger?"

"Yes," Ryan said.

Sam squinted at the duffel bag slung on his shoulder. "Did you bring your textbooks, just in case?"

He patted the bag. "And my laptop." He twisted the knob and looked back at her. "Okay, I'll see you Sunday night."

"What about snacks?" Sam asked. She half-turned toward the kitchen cabinets. "You should bring some granola bars or something."

"I'll text you when I get there," Ryan said firmly before leaving. He didn't tell her he already had a whole box of granola bars in his bag that Jordan had put there.

At the bottom of the three flights of stairs, Ryan's phone buzzed. The text was from Marina: Don't know if you left yet but remember to stand your ground – she had inserted a raised fist emoji – and take no bullshit – a poop emoji – and have fun! She ended with both a confetti emoji and an eggplant emoji.

He didn't respond to the text, just shook his head and headed to his car. He had seen a lot more of Marina over the past week than he could have thought possible, because she and Pete had somehow hit it off.

Before he could head to New York, Ryan had to sweep a layer of autumn leaves off his car. Then he opened up Google Maps and headed out.

 Then he opened up Google Maps and headed out

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"You're a fucking slob," Jacky complained, kicking a pile of clothes over to Billy's side of the room.

Seated in front of a diva mirror at his desk, Billy didn't look away from the glittery eyeshadow he was applying. "At least my side of the room doesn't smell like feet."

"I'm going to do laundry," Jacky snapped back. "But would it kill you to pick up some stuff? It's going to be crowded with an extra person in here for two days."

Billy breathed out a laugh. "Like I'm planning on sleeping here."

"Really? You're going to do that to Braedyn?"

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