Chapter One

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I arrive at the Burrow, the Weasley family's home. I knock on the door and one of the twins open the door. I think of Fred.

"Hey C," he says.



"That's what I thought," I laugh. We head inside and Mrs.Weasley and George walks over and greets me.

"I could have gotten the door," she tells Fred. He starts to blush and George notices. He laughs and points at his twin. The two of them take my stuff to a room.

I roll my eyes and start heading upstairs. I find Ron, Harry, and Hermione sitting on a circle, talking. I lean against the door frame to see how long it'll take them to notice me. Ginny stops next to me.

"You three can be idiots," she says, then walks away. They look to see me.

"That was Ginny," I inform them.

"I know," Ron says. I smirk and I hear Mrs.Weasley call us down for dinner. All of the people, here running down the stairs, at the same time, sounds like a herd of elephants. We gather around the table with Mr.Weasley at the head of the table. We pass the food around and talk.

"So what's the plan tomorrow, Dad?" Fred asks.

"We'll wake up and then meet the Diggorys." This caught my attention. "We then go get our tent and go to the game."


I stack the blankets at the edge of the couch and grab an outfit. I head into the bathroom and take a shower. The cold water wakes me up the rest of the way. I hop out and put on an Ireland jersey and torn up, bleach-washed jeans.

I braid my hair to the side and put on a pair of combat boots. I leave the bathroom and grab my bag. I met up with the others. It's me, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, the twins, and Mr.Weasley. We start walking and the entire time Ron is whining.

We make it to a tree where Mr.Diggory is. Mr.Weasley introduces the others to him. Cedric jumps down and he kisses me quickly. We go up a hill till we get to an old boot.

"What is that?" I ask.

"A Portkey," Cedric laughs. I play punch his arm. He puts a finger on the Portkey, and I do the same. Everyone hurries up to do the same. The ground disappears and we start spinning.

"Let go," Mr.Weasley shouts.

"What?" I yell back.

"Let go."

We do as he says and fall. I land on the ground with a thud. The only three that didn't land with a thud was Mr.Weasley, Mr.Diggory, and Cedric. He helps me up.

"I hate you with a passion," I joke. He laughs. We split into the groups for tents. I'm with the Diggorys in the Ireland section.

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