Chapter Six

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The picture is the promise ring.

The days draw closer to the first challenge and I'm sitting in potions I already finished the potion and so I'm just sitting there sketching. Cedric walks in and hands Snape a note.

"Ms.Smith, leave."

I gather my stuff and follow Cedric out of the classroom.


"The pavilion. I forged the note."

I laugh and shake my head. We get to the pavilion and sit on the bench. The sight is beautiful. He grabs my hand and we smile at each other.

"I notice you were sketching. May I see it?"

I grab my sketch book and hand it to him. He looks through the pages. Most are filled with flowers or sketches of Hogwarts.

"These are amazing," he informs me. I feel my face get warm.

"They're not that good at all."

"Yes they are."

He comes to the one of the Goblet of Fire. He nods his head in approval and finally gets to the last one. It's a sketch of the entire potions classroom from where I sit, which is in the back. Cedric gives me my book back and I put it in my bag. Harry comes over to us.

"Dragons," he says.

"What?" Cedric asks.

"The first challenge involves dragons."

My mouth practically drops. Dragons. Fire breathing dragons. Cedric thanks Harry and promises to return the favor. Harry leaves and we just stand there. I find a 'Harry Stinks' button on the ground and throw it. Cedric notices it.

"I had nothing..."

"I know. It was Draco."

"Why don't you call him Malfoy like your friends."

I shrug my shoulders.

"Just never came out of my mouth."

He nods his head and then starts to smirk. I realise what he is thinking.

"Don't you dare."

He starts tickling me. I laugh and fall off the bench. He stops and help me up. We get some weird looks from others. We break out laughing and head off to lunch.

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