The deep yearning

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I yearn for better days
I yearn for your presence
I yearn for all that i'll never get to have

In my dreams i still cry
Laying in a dark empty room
A house not a home

When the night gets quiet
Do you ever think of me?

I do. I daydream of what could've been
If you didn't like the contents of the bottle
If you didn't knock me down
Of what could've been
If you'd stayed
Oh why didn't you stay

I beg for you to not leave me
But you've been gone for years
I don't beg for your presence anymore
I beg for an explanation

Why? What did I do wrong?

I cry
Why do I cry
It's not like the tears do anything

They slip down my cheek and onto the pillow I have in my embrace
Wishing it grew arms
Big and strong yet gentle arms
Wishing they would caress my face

And imagining you telling me
It will be okay

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