All i want is passion

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I feel power
I feel sour
I don't want to age

All my life's been nothing but a series of
Darkness saddnes and rage
And i cannot control this invisible force
That pulls me into the darkness

I've never felt safe
I've never felt comfort
In this body
In these walls
Not even in the school halls
Especially the school halls

I feel like passing out
I feel nauseous in those halls
Must be the toxic energy
Or the negative vibes

I want to rewind not replay
I want to feel power instead of the rage
I know I need to take action
But I am on pause whenever they notice my sour face and I am refilled with rage
But all I want is passion

I don't understand fractions
In one ear and out the other
As I make up a song in my head
Sick and tired of their chatter
But I will not surrender

I just need another day
Give me one more minute
To figure out the plan

I want someone to stay
Grounded with me in these halls
To support my body
And all that comes with it

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