The Crown

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This crowd is so loud
But i can't let them see my frown
So I hide away
To a place where I have a crown

One more day
And I will feel okay
One more time
And I will hide the knife

The dust starts to settle
I'm feeling all bitter

The crowd doesn't care
But they do because they judge
They judge my makeshift crown

"You do not deserve. Now go away,
you're getting on my nerves"
They say
They want me to hurt so that's what I do
They want me to bleed so that's what I do
"You have to follow our rules"
But I have no clue
How to survive when I am so confused
And it makes me feel blue

So I hide away and play with the crown
Worlds away where i have a say
But here I say nothing
But I have something to say
But I do not have a say
Here i am just an ugly face
Where they put me in a mental cage
And observe me as if I were something strange

This thing in the mental cage is not the real me
Just something they want to see
So they feel power and glory

And I'm left in the dirt
With holes in my shirt
I am hurt I am throbbing
The bruises on my legs
I don't even try and beg
But one thing I do know
One day I will hold the crown
With so much stride
I will survive

A Tale Of WoeWhere stories live. Discover now