Broken Frames

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I don't know how to feel
When I heard your name
We aren't picture-perfect
We have a broken frame

I wish I could take in your warmth
I want to be your home
But I am all one
My flame very small

I'm not very outspoken
But neither are you
Guess we really are alike

Don't want you to reach out
But I do
Not like this
You shouldn't have to
It shouldn't be a thing
We should all be together
But you threw the picture away
Cut yourself from it, frame and all
I did too
Just not the frame

We are the same
Both drowning in something
Blood bond is silent
Our love Violent
We both destroy ourselves
We both ache

You are to blame but you will never know
How you took my frame in your hands and smashed it and crashed it all destroyed it all
You let it burn
You let me fall!

Hands behind your back
Violent lights
Sirens in the night
Tears streaming down my face
I want you in my embrace
But you don't
You are going away

I'm scared
I was a small flame
Still am now
But I can't show it
Now I just go where the wind's blowing
You do too I hear
Guess we really are alike
That is my worst fear

In my dreams you come to me
Lay in my bed as the sun sets
And ask
"How was your day, my dear?"

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