I won't stay

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Press harder
Go deeper
No one's ever been deep with me
And that hurts
So I go deep in my skin

Razor sharp claws
And soon enough I'm begging for more

I don't have anything going for me
So why not
They don't care
So why should i

I am nothing but I am something
And I want to turn that something into something more
Something worth your time
But you don't care

I no longer want to be alive
But you don't care
Why can't you see
Why can't you care

Why why why
I have a lot of questions
But never any answers
I don't need them
I don't need you
I need someone else
Worth my time
But that is not you
Someone else
who will make me
Want to stay alive

And give me life
Give me a life
Something that I want

Not the moldy crumbs you've given me
So I won't stay
But the scars will

A Tale Of WoeWhere stories live. Discover now