Caught in the webs

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I care about my appearance
But doesn't everyone?
Yes but I care too much
I am way over my head
Perfect I am not Perfect

All these beauty standards
They force me to skip a meal
I brush my teeth and my gums bleed

I care too much
I try not to
I really do
But I always find myself caught between the webs of their words
They tangle me in a truth so harsh
I believe their lies

The rash from where I scratched and scarred my sensitive skin
To make it more appealing
My face more clearer

The metal scratches the back of my throat
Teary eyes
my throat burns
It was a decision so rash
I resort to my candy stash

Comparison doesn't kill you
It destroys you
It scratches and itches till you bleed
You kill you
They kill you
They play a part in our downfall yet we still listen to their snickers and laughs
Why's that?

I don't want to play
It turns my vision all gray
I don't know the rules
Of this sickening game they play
But as I quit
I still play
I still play yet they've never told me the rules
They must think I'm a fool
How cruel

Just don't let them see
Your creativity is the true beauty
If you listen closely
Their heads are empty
But yours is stuffed
Just like your stomach should be
You need to be conscious
You'll do well
Remember i said
Their heads are dead

Maybe that's why it echoes so well in this cramped up space
only taken up by their ego


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