Where are you Seok?

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Minghao with Jihoon and others went deep inside the woods to find Seokmin.

The blood traces that were scattered on the ground were leading them.

But to their disappointment Seokmin was nowhere to be found.

There was no evidence of Seokmin's disappearance.

Jihoon was getting frustrated, Minghao was blaming himself, Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan were on the verge of tears thinking about their beloved hyung. Wonwoo was consoling the maknae line.

"What will I tell Jeonghan Hyung?", said Jihoon to himself.

This caught everyone's attention.

Jeonghan Hyung.

What will his reaction be after knowing his favourite dongsaeng is missing?

Minghao could only cry harder thinking of Jeonghan.

Wonwoo and the maknae line rushed towards him and pulled him into a comforting hug.

Jihoon was just sitting there numbly.

Seokmin was the first one who broke his shell and made a place for himself in Jihoon's heart.

His goofiness and sweet nature always melted Jihoon's stone heart.

Seokmin was Jihoon's little one.

They had formed a brother-like bond with each other.

It was getting dark, Minghao, Wonwoo and others thought of going back to the pack.

Jihoon was reluctant to leave the place.

"Jihoon hyungie it's getting dark outside, we won't find anything here. We'll come tomorrow", said Minghao trying to convince a stubborn Jihoon

"No we should find more, I am sure we'll find something", said Jihoon still being stubborn

"Hyung please", Said Chan this time

Jihoon looked towards him and the others.

He noticed they looked tired especially the Maknae line.

He didn't want anything to happen to them so he eventually agreed with them and they all made their way towards the Crescent moon pack.

The pack wasn't in much of a distance, it was just ten minutes walk away.

In no time they reached near the pack.

Jihoon halted in his steps making the others also halt their steps.

"What happened hyung?", asked Vernon

"Um should we inform the Head Alpha about this?", asked Jihoon unsurely

"Jihoon I think we should inform this to him as this a matter about one of his pack member he deserves to know", said Wonwoo

The others nodded their heads to what Wonwoo said.

"Okay fine let's go"

"Uh Jihoon hyung, you only speak with the Alpha", said Seungkwan

Jihoon groaned in frustration and looked towards Seungkwan with a glare.

Seungkwan whimpered under his glare and hid behind Vernon.

Vernon patted his head and he immediately relaxed.

Jihoon clicked his tongue in annoyance and started making his way towards the pack house.

The others following his lead.

As they were getting nearer to the pack house they could hear laughter and taking in the house.

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