Chapter 18

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"How are you feeling now that we've spoken to the vet, Princess?" Victor asked as they walked around Petsmart. Her hands were fisted around the cuffs of her hoodie sleeves, hiding her hands and she was gently banging them together as her eyes roamed around looking at everything and yet seeing absolutely nothing. She was clearly uncomfortable and nervous, something they had noticed over the years was that she was getting more and more anxious about being out in crowds. He put his hand on her lower back and after the initial flinch she did every time one of them touched her without her prior knowledge she relaxed a little as she felt him gently rub soothing circles into her back.

"Oy, Rave, what kind of puppy are we fucking getting?" Gabe asked as he looked at the small easy to break away collars.

Raven's phone started ringing so he pulled it out of his pocket as she ran her fingers over a bed. Yanking it away she ran her hand over her jeans, "don't like that one, Princess?" Victor asked at her adorable displeased look. She shook her head so he felt the bed and chuckled, "That's not soft at all, how could anyone want to buy that for their dog?" He felt another one and smiled, "What about this one? It's really soft and it's machine washable so when it has an accident it's easy to clean." She felt it and shook her head, then huffed and covered her face. "Hey now, none of that," he soothed as he pulled her into a hug. As he thought she tensed so he just rubbed her back. "It's okay, I promise, Princess. We will find the right bed for the puppy and you have every right to be picky, it's going to be our baby so it's going to be spoiled just as much as Zeus and Max. Kota went through over ten beds before he found the right one for Max and don't even ask me how many harnesses and collars he went through before he found the right ones. It's just what pet parents do, that's why there are so many options. I promise it's not a problem and if it's just too much right now that's okay. We can come back another time or even go somewhere else." He lifted her head to look up at him and wiped away a tear, "Take a breath for me, Princess."

She wrapped her fingers around his wrist and inhaled shakily as another tear slipped down. The thoughts started to finally slow down as she exhaled then inhaled deeply again.

"Good girl," Victor smiled down at her. "There's my girl."

"Puppy here," Raven said as he walked over to them.

"Let's go see our baby and then we can shop later, okay?" Victor asked as he felt her squeeze his wrist three times weakly. He pulled her in for another hug while sending the group an angry look. They nodded in silent agreement. He just held her until he felt her melt into him and then after a few more minutes she took a step back out of his hold. "Ready to see our baby?"

A muffled woof had her turning and a huge smile broke out on her face as she hid a giggle behind her sleeve covered hand. There stood Zeus with a huge yellow stuffed duck in his mouth and Max had a matching blue one in his. Gabe burst out laughing, which set off Luke. "Fucking perfect."

"Now that the children have found their toys, let's head home," Owen said as he bent down to pat each dog before strolling to check out.

Victor purchased the items the vet recommended and the dogs' toys then as they left the store, Victor felt her go rigid, "What's wrong, Princess?" He followed her stare then glared. Heading their way was the asshole that disrupted their bonding time and upset her, Jim Jones. "Just keep going with the guys, Princess," he said as he passed her hand over to Axel. Axel gave her hand a gentle squeeze before much to the surprise of everyone, including herself, she lifted her arms up as she stood facing Victor. A huge smile crossed his face as he picked her up and she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck while still holding Axel's hand as he walked around so she could. She hid her face in Victor's neck as he tightened his hold on her. "Alright, Guys, let's get our wife home."

"Did I say you look at our wife?" Raven growled as he clenched his hands into fists.

"I didn't know you were here," Jim glared right back at him. "Besides, I still need to speak to her. I have the right to do so. I was in her life before you."


Rose snapped her head up at the deep voice and whipped around, her eyes scanning until they settled on the man behind Jim. His suit was almost as immaculate as Owen's as his piercing black eyes found hers. "Papa," she mouthed as she slid off Victor and ran to him. He hugged her while scanning the man watching them with an unnerving look in his eyes.

"You're..." he trailed off as his eyes widened in recognition.

"I Vladimir Ravenstahl," he smirked as Rose tightened her hold on him. "You are..."

"He's the man that is trying to force our wife to get a new dog and force Zeus into retirement despite your daughter making it very clear she does not want to," Corey smugly answered for him. "He showed up yesterday without her approval, in fact, he just called and told her he was on his way. He didn't even ask and then he got upset when we informed him your daughter was taken and he tried to argue that she wasn't wearing a ring."

Vladimir let out a deep rumble while covering her ears, "She nyet like jewelry."

"We know that," Corey smirked, "but apparently Mr. Jim Jones seems to think that claimed women must wear jewelry."

"He even stated he would be livid if his women didn't wear the jewelry he bought her," Kota smirked.

"It women choice," Vladimir glared down at the man that was now growing even paler. "Daughter," he said calmly even though his insides were burning with rage. "You want Zeus nyet work?" She shook her head, "He try make you?" She nodded while pouting. "Zeus still work?" She nodded again so he gave her a small smile, "then he still work. You," he pointed at her chest, "know Zeus best, you decide. You nyet listen small man child, da?" She smiled up at him and hugged him. "Go with husbands, I teach man child lessons in manners." She tightened her hand on his wrist and shook her head while pouting. She gently tugged on his arm and he chuckled, "Da, I teach lesson another time. Time with Daughter too precious." He glared up at the man, "Last warning, stay away from family."

Jim Jones gulped before turning and running to his car. "Father," Raven smiled darkly as he walked over to them. "Thought nyet come, busy work."

"Da but want see family," Vladimir shrugged. "Leave soon."

"The kids are on their way home and Mom said she will be ready for us to pick her up," Kota said as he slid his phone into his pocket. "How does pizza sound for family dinner?"

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