Chapter 19

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"Dedushka!" Aurora shouted as she burst into Rose's house minutes after Rose and the men arrived.

"Rora!" Vladimir beamed as he caught her just as she leapt into his arms.

"Where's Babushka?" Aurora asked curiously as she looked past his shoulders while he sat her on her feet while chuckling.

"She stay back," he replied. "I only here bring puppy then must go back. Much to do."

She nodded and kissed his cheek. "Well, I'm happy you are here even for a little bit. As soon as I get a break I need to come over for a visit."

"Da," he nodded. Erica hugged him then headed to the kitchen to start getting out the paper plates and sauces for everyone. "Boys."

"Dedushka," all three boys smiled as they hugged him.

"Proud," Vladimir smiled as he patted their backs. "Very proud."

"Thank you," they nodded.

Once everyone made their plates, Rose smiled when she saw that two of the boys sat on the couch with Aurora between them and the third sat in front of her feet on the floor, effectively surrounding her. A huge smile was on her face.

"They are cute, aren't they, Cupcake?" Luke asked as he bent over behind her to hand her her cup of sweet tea. Rose smiled gratefully up at him before nodding.

Salem got up from the floor and headed to the kitchen to throw his plate away. On his way back to the room, he came up behind Rose and whispered in her ear. A smile formed as she barely nodded then Salem walked off down the hall.

The men gave her a curious look but she just smirked. A minute later Salem came back with a smile on his face as he gave Jackson and Josh a nod. The men crouched down in front of him. Rose quickly pulled out her phone as her smile grew even more.

"Aurora Morgan," Salem smiled as he took her hand in his. "Ever since we were little kids at the skating park I knew you were special to me. I even told my mom and my aunt that night that one day you would be mine. I didn't really understand it then just how much that statement would be true, I just knew. The day you met Jackson and Josh further cemented it because they frankly couldn't stand little kids but they couldn't stop talking about you after lunch. We knew about Momma and Auntie Sally's families but never thought that life would be for us until you. Girls tried to come between us but you, Princess, you just accepted us and fit perfectly. There was never any jealousy or fighting when it came to you. People tried to tell us it would never work long distance or in our jobs or as we grew up but we've proved them wrong time and time again. You were made for us and we were made for you. We don't want to wait any longer, Aurora. We love you, will you do us the honor of becoming our wife for all eternity since you are already our soulmate?"

Aurora gasped and fell to her knees, "Of course you dummies!" She giggled as she kissed each one of the boys with tears streaming down her face. "It's about freaking time you asked!"

Everyone burst into laughter as Salem pulled the antique ring box out of his pocket. "You haven't even looked yet, Princess."

"I don't care," she shook her head. "It's from you so it's perfect."

"We had it modified slightly," Jackson smiled. "The middle gem and band is from Salem's family, and the stones on each side were picked by Josh and me and we had them put in."

"It's perfect," She sniffled as she wiped her tears while Salem slipped the ring onto her finger. "I love it almost as much as I love each of you." She stood and walked over to Rose, "Thank you Momma," she whispered as she hugged her tightly.

Rose hugged her back then kissed her cheek. "Love you. Wait one moment." She stood, kissed her cheek one more time then headed to her art room before she came back and placed a sketchpad in Aurora's hands. "The boys asked me to draw this before they were teenagers. I've made small changes over the years to accommodate updates but it's mostly stayed the same in the layout. This..." she took a deep breath and cleared her throat, "this has always been their dream."

"Oh Momma," the boys playfully whined.

"Hush," Aurora scolded while rolling her eyes. "Boys," she muttered as she opened the book and gasped. "Oh Momma, it's perfect," she whispered as she hugged Rose again.

"What is it?" Multiple voices asked.

"It's the sketches of our dream home," Aurora's voice cracked. "There's dates from back..."

"From since we were preteens," Salem filled in for her as she wiped her tears again. "Everytime we asked Mom to update it in some way that Aurora would tell us she wanted for her dream home, Momma would write the date down as she fixed it."

"We always knew we would live together," Josh nodded, "even as kids. We didn't really care what the house looked like but once we found our girl, we wanted it to be the home of her dreams."

"Look Daddies," Aurora said excitedly as she brought it over to them.

"We know," North smirked. "We've seen this over the years." He chuckled at her shocked face. "Once you find the perfect land, I'll start building it for you."

Salem's phone started ringing Reveille, the military wake up bugle song, making Jackson and Josh stand alert. "Sir," Salem said sternly. "But–" he sighed, "yes Sir." He hung up the phone and sighed, "Princess, I'm so–"

"Go," she shook her head. "We knew this was a possibility. It's okay," she hugged them tightly. "Go, just be careful."

"Always," they promised as they kissed her softly before going to hug Rose.

"Love you," Rose and Aurora said at the same time as the boys hugged the rest of the family. Aurora slipped her hand into Rose's as they watched the boys walk out the door.

"Come," Vladimir said as he gently led them away from the door back towards the living room. "Time for puppy, I leave soon."

"Dedu?" Aurora asked hopefully.

He smiled down at her before placing a kiss to each woman's forehead. "Da, my men protect Boys, promise. Now come, time for puppy."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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