Bad days

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Taehyung's life took a dark turn after a series of tragic events unfolded. His once bright and promising future now lay in ruins, haunted by nightmares and plagued by despair.

His teacher, who had always been a source of comfort and guidance, could only watch helplessly as the darkness consumed Taehyung's soul. The teacher felt a deep sense of guilt for not being able to protect his student from the horrors that now surrounded him.

But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope. Taehyung's girlfriend and friends refused to give up on him, offering him words of encouragement and promising to stand by his side through thick and thin. His girlfriend, in particular, vowed to fix everything for her beloved Taehyung, determined to bring light back into his life.

However, not everyone was rooting for Taehyung's redemption. Jungkook his obsessed lover took twisted pleasure in seeing him paying for his deeds. Jungkook's sinister grin sent shivers down Taehyung's spine, as he reveled in the chaos he had helped create.

As the horrors continued to unfold, Taehyung found himself trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

The lines between reality and nightmare blurred as he struggled to hold onto his sanity, with only his girlfriend's unwavering love offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume him.

But soon Min ji was also paying the price for kissing taehyung her life took an unexpected twist and Sun hee is the reason behind her misery

Sun Hee quickly concocted a plan to ruin Min Ji's life.

She manipulated her father into believing that Min Ji was slacking off in her studies. With tears in her eyes, she painted her sister as a disobedient and irresponsible child who needed to be taught a lesson.

Her father, unaware of Sun Hee's true intentions, agreed to punish Min Ji. He put her under house arrest for a week, forbidding her from leaving the house or contacting anyone.

Sun Hee watched with satisfaction as her sister's world crumbled around her.

But as the days passed, a sinister presence began to manifest in the house. Shadows danced in the corners, whispers echoed through the halls.

Min Ji's fear grew with each passing night, as she felt an unseen force watching her every move.

One evening, as Min Ji lay awake in her bed, she heard a chilling voice calling out to her from the darkness. It whispered promises of revenge and despair, taunting her with her own insecurities and fears. The room seemed to close in around her, the air thick with malevolence.

Terrified, Min Ji tried to scream for help, but no sound escaped her lips. The darkness enveloped her, swallowing her whole.

Sun Hee, listening from her own room, smiled wickedly at the thought of her sister's suffering.

But as the sun rose the next morning, Min Ji was nowhere to be found. The house stood silent, an eerie stillness hanging in the air.

Sun Hee's smile faded as she realized the true horror of what she had unleashed.

For in her quest for vengeance, she had awoken an ancient evil that now roamed the halls, hungry for souls to consume.

And as the shadows closed in around her, Sun Hee knew that she would pay the ultimate price for her treachery. The house would never be the same again, haunted by the screams of the damned.

Possession Of Devils [Taekook]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora