Rules for staff

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As Namjoon and Seokjin gathered the maids and guards in the grand hall of their mansion, a heavy silence hung in the air. The two imposing figures stood side by side, their expressions unreadable as they began to outline the rules regarding Taehyung, soon to be their son-in-law.

"Listen carefully," Namjoon's voice was firm, sending shivers down the spines of those gathered. "When Taehyung enters this household as Jungkook's husband, he is to be treated with the utmost respect, no one should talk to him or even glance at him or you will pay the price by having your eyes gauge out or breaking a few bones, taehyung only belongs to us, no one should even try to glance at him". After saying this both the couples broke into psychotic laughter.

On the other side;

jungkook along with his bodyguards made his way to taehyung's house the winds howled ominously, foreshadowing the dark events that were about to unfold.

As he entered the house, Taehyung's mother was taken aback by their unexpected visit, but before she could say anything, Jungkook's dark and menacing stare silenced her.

Jungkook made his way upstairs to Taehyung's room, where he found him sobbing uncontrollably. His expression turned into a scowl as he shouted at Taehyung to stop wallowing in self-pity over his ex, Min Ji.
"You are my fiancee now, Taehyung. You will put an end to this drama,Don't test my patience, Taehyung,"

Jungkook growled as he towered over him. "Our marriage is not a game. Every detail matters, whether you like it or not. Get dressed and join me downstairs for our wedding shopping excursion." Jungkook's voice was laced with anger.

Taehyung trembled in fear but knew better than to disobey Jungkook on such an important day. He reluctantly got dressed and went downstairs to join Jungkook, who warned him not to anger him further.

As they left the house, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He knew that everything related to their impending marriage was crucial to Jungkook, and his own feelings didn't matter in the eyes of the ruthless mafia leader simultaneously world's richest business man.

As they reached the grand entrance of the luxurious bridal shop, Jungkook gracefully opened the door of his brand new Mercedes Benz for Taehyung, his forced fiancée. The onlookers could not help but be in awe of the powerful and dangerous mafia leader carrying himself with such elegance and chivalry. His guards, who were well aware of his reputation as the number one businessman in the city, exchanged glances with each other, surprised by the scene unfolding before them.

Despite the curiosity and whispers surrounding them, Jungkook paid no mind to the attention. He focused solely on Taehyung, offering his hand to help her out of the car with a gentle smile. However, the bystanders couldn't help but feel a sense of fear creeping up their spines as they witnessed the mafia leader's rare display of affection.

Jungkook noticed the unease in the air and narrowed his eyes, casting a stern gaze over the crowd. He was not one to be trifled with, and his possessive nature was well-known among his people. It was clear that anyone who dared to cross him would face the consequences.

As they entered the bridal shop, the elegance of the surroundings seemed to mirror Jungkook's demeanor, with its opulent decor and sparkling chandeliers casting a glow over the couple. Despite the circumstances that brought them together, Jungkook and Taehyung appeared to be a perfect match, their connection undeniable even in the face of danger and uncertainty.

In the bustling atmosphere of the upscale boutique, a female staff member navigated through the aisles with a sense of caution. Her gaze settled on Jungkook and Taehyung, the former's presence exuding an aura of power tinged with volatility. Aware of Jungkook's reputation within the clandestine world of the mafia, she approached with a delicate balance of professionalism and wariness

Staff: "Good afternoon, sir. May I assist you with anything today?"

Jungkook: narrowing his eyes at the staff "Yes, we're looking for suits."

Staff: noticing Jungkook's assertiveness, but addressing both of them "Of course. What style are you both envisioning?"

Jungkook glares at her while talking as she was eyeing taehyung.

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