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As Hyun Baek watches Namjoon and Seokjin leave, his mind races with worry. Just as he's about to collect his thoughts, the door swings open, and Min Ji steps inside, her expression bright with anticipation.

Min Ji: cheerfully "Dad, I'm home! Guess what? I have something exciting to tell you!"

Hyun Baek: forcing a smile "Min Ji, dear, we need to talk." His tone is grave, betraying the weight of the conversation to come.

Min Ji: noticing her father's serious tone "Is everything okay, Dad? You seem tense."

Hyun Baek: takes a deep breath, steeling himself "Sit down, Min Ji. There's something important we need to discuss."

Min Ji's smile fades as she takes a seat, her curiosity turning to concern.

Hyun Baek: meets his daughter's eyes, his expression somber "Min Ji, I've just had a very serious conversation with Namjoon and Seokjin."

Min Ji: frowning "What about, Dad? Is something wrong?"

Hyun Baek: hesitates, choosing his words carefully "They... They made it clear that they're not happy about your relationship with Taehyung."

Min Ji's eyes widen in disbelief as she absorbs her father's words.

Min Ji: her anger flaring "First Jungkook's obsession with Taehyung, and now his parents too? This is insane!"

Hyun Baek: tries to calm her down "I understand your frustration, Min Ji, but we need to handle this delicately. Namjoon and Seokjin are not to be trifled with."

Min Ji's frustration boils over, her hands trembling with rage as she struggles to process the gravity of the situation.

Min Ji: gritting her teeth "Fine. What do they want from us now? More threats? More demands?"

Hyun Baek: sighs heavily, his concern deepening "They want you to end things with Taehyung, Min Ji. They made it clear that our deal with them hinges on it."

Min Ji's eyes narrow with determination, her resolve hardening despite the weight of the situation.

Hyun Baek: regretfully "Min Ji, I wish things were different. Taehyung would have made a wonderful son-in-law. But it seems destiny has other plans for us."

Min Ji: clenches her jaw, her frustration evident "Destiny can take a backseat. I won't let anyone dictate who I can or cannot love."

Hyun Baek: with a heavy heart "Min Ji, I know how hard it is to let go of someone you love. But the Jeon family is not to be trifled with. If we go against them, they won't stop until they've ruined us, left us embarrassed on the streets."

Min Ji: tears welling up in her eyes "But Dad, I love Taehyung. I can't just break up with him because of them."

Hyun Baek: squeezes her hand gently "I know, Min Ji. And it breaks my heart to ask this of you. But for now, we have to think about our safety, our future. Please, do this for us."

Min Ji: sobbing uncontrollably "Taehyung, I love you so much. I don't want to lose you."

Taehyung: concerned, his voice trembling "Min Ji, what's wrong? Why are you saying this?"

His heart sinks as he begins to piece together the situation, but he refuses to believe it, clinging to the hope that everything is just a misunderstanding.

Min Ji: choking back tears "They... they want me to end things with you, Taehyung. They say our relationship is jeopardizing everything."

Taehyung: voice breaking "No, Min Ji, you can't do this. We can fight this together. Please, don't leave me."

His voice cracks with desperation as he pleads with her, his heart shattering with each passing moment.

Min Ji: sobs "I'm so sorry, Taehyung. I don't want to do this, but... I can't go against my family. I have to end it."

Her words hang heavy in the air, the finality of their breakup echoing in the silence as both of their hearts break into a million pieces.

As Min Ji's words sink in, Taehyung feels a wave of despair wash over him, the weight of her decision crushing his spirit. He struggles to comprehend the reality of their situation, his mind reeling with disbelief.

As Taehyung's agonized cries pierce the air, echoing throughout the house, his parents rush to his room, their faces etched with concern. They find him curled up on the floor, his body racked with sobs, his heart shattered into a million pieces.

Taehyung's Mother: frantically "Taehyung, what's wrong? Why are you crying like this?"

Taehyung: barely able to speak through his tears "She... broke up mom,she left me😭."

Taehyung's Father: his voice filled with rage "That jungkook,I know he must be the reason behind her breaking up with you."

Taehyung: sobbing "It's not just him, Dad. It's Namjoon and Seokjin too. They threatened Min Ji's family."

His words hang in the air, the weight of their implications sinking in as his parents exchange a look of grim understanding.

Taehyung's mother: trying to calm her son down"baby don't worry I'll talk to min ji's father, we will find a way, she loves you taehyung I have seen it in her eyes ,I know it must have been hard for that poor soul."

Taehyung: desperately "pls mom, I love her more than you can cogitate , her father is going to sign a deal with jeons which is the last hope for him to prevent his company from bankruptcy. I know jungkook's parents must have used it to their benefit. But my heart can't accept it, AHHH i-it.. It hu-hurts mom. "

Taehyung's father: trying very hard to compose himself seeing his son cry in front of him " Darling please stop crying you'll ruin your health, you know doctor has warned you not to cry or take to much stress, I know it's hard tae, believe in God he'll help you. Now sleep." Says while tucking his son in duvet



My longest chapter till now!!

Guys pls comment and vote

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