Wedding shopping part 2

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Manager: swallowing hard "Yes, Mr. Jungkook, right away."

The manager hurriedly leaves the room, leaving Taehyung alone with Jungkook, who stares at him with cold eyes.

Taehyung: voice barely above a whisper "Jungkook, please..."

Jungkook: interrupting "Save it, Taehyung. You should have thought about the consequences before you crossed me."

Taehyung's stomach churns with dread as he realizes the depth of his predicament. He can only hope that Jungkook's choice will be bearable, knowing that his fate lies entirely in the hands of a ruthless mafia boss.

The room falls into a heavy silence as Taehyung stands there, feeling the weight of Jungkook's dominance suffocating him.

Jungkook: finally breaking the silence with a sinister smile "You'll wear what I choose, and you'll wear it with pride. After all, you belong to me now."

Taehyung's heart sinks even lower, his mind racing with thoughts of escape, but knowing that there's no way out of this twisted arrangement. He can only pray that somehow, someday, he'll find a glimmer of freedom from Jungkook's suffocating control.

Manager: returning with the collection "Mr. Jungkook, I've brought the most premium selection for Taehyung's consideration."

Jungkook: eyeing the suits "Finally, something worthy. Show me."

The manager carefully presents each suit, Jungkook scrutinizing them with a critical eye. After a moment of silence, he selects the most elegant and expensive suit without hesitation.

Jungkook: icily "This one. It's perfect."

Taehyung: stuttering nervously "B-but, Jungkook, that suit... It looks uncomfortable. I-I don't think I can..."

Jungkook: cutting him off sharply "Enough, Taehyung. You'll wear what I choose, and you'll wear it with pride. Don't forget your place."

Taehyung's protests die on his lips as Jungkook's cold gaze silences him, leaving him feeling small and powerless.

Taehyung's tears slowly rolled down his face to which jungkook rolls his eyes and grab taehyung' neck at kisses him to keep his mouth shut for a few minutes while eyeing the suit in other hand imagining taehyung wearing it. After a while

Jungkook's grip tightens on Taehyung's arm as he leads him towards another suit display. Taehyung's heart races with apprehension, unsure of what Jungkook has in mind. As they reach the new selection, Jungkook's eyes narrow as he scans the options.

Jungkook: coldly "Choose one for me."

Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise at the unexpected request. Tentatively, he reaches for a suit that catches his eye, hoping it might appease Jungkook's temper.

Taehyung: Anxious "This... this one?"

Jungkook's expression softens slightly as he examines the suit chosen by Taehyung. After a moment of consideration, he nods in approval.

Jungkook: firmly "Good choice. You have taste, after all."

Taehyung's heart skips a beat at the rare moment of validation from Jungkook, though he knows it's fleeting. As they finalize the selection, Taehyung can't shake the feeling of being trapped in a game he never wanted to play, his only solace the small semblance of control he managed to grasp in that fleeting moment.

As dinner time approached, Jungkook suggested they grab a bite to eat before heading home. Taehyung, feeling uneasy about spending more time with Jungkook, politely declined, mentioning that he had other plans. However, Jungkook brushed aside Taehyung's protests, insisting that they dine together. Ignoring Taehyung's discomfort, Jungkook instructed his driver to take them to a five-star hotel, where they would have dinner.

Taehyung's anxiety grew as they arrived at the luxurious hotel, realizing he was once again at the mercy of Jungkook's control. With a heavy heart, he resigned himself to the evening ahead, knowing that his attempts to resist were futile against Jungkook's



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