Chapter 2: Another Spider-Man?!

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After I saw Spider-Man: No Way Home; I...was...FURIOUS!!!

How dare they do that to Peter, MJ, Ned, and poor May!

Enough with this stupid trope that says Spider-Man has to alone and that superheroes can't be happy! FUCK THOSE TROPES!!!

*heavy breathing* Anyway, this is my own version of the trio getting through the rest of High School with Peter's identity still being secret.


The bell rang for the end of Chemistry.

"Chapter 1 by tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen," The teacher reminded the students. "Mr. Parker, a word?"

Peter turned and walked back into the classroom, just as he was getting ready to leave.

"I trust you remember the field trip we took Freshmen year to ESU?" The teacher asked. "To Dr. Connors laboratory?"

Peter chuckled to himself; that was the trip where the spider bit him and he got his powers.
"Of course, sir."

Connors had been a scientist Peter had read about for years, a man accomplished in the study of both human and animal biology, particularly that of reptiles. Anyone who was anyone in the scientific community knew who Dr. Connors was!

"Glad to hear it, because he's offering an internship to promising high schoolers," The teacher said. "I recommended my star pupil."

"Seriously?!" asked Peter in unbridled excitement. Waiting by the door for him, MJ smiled.

"Connors is holding a tour for his lab so people can view his work, and I trust you'll be there?"

"Absolutely!" Peter exclaimed.

~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~~~

At lunch, Peter, Ned and MJ sat together.

"So how'd you think you did?" MJ asked him about their Spanish pop quiz.

"The vocabulary part wasn't so bad, but that translation paragraph was insane," Peter replied.

"No way, the free write was the worst," Ned argued. "Like I can talk about my favorite family trip in Spanish for 500 words?"

"Maybe she should have asked you to talk about Star Wars," MJ replied sarcastically. "Bet you could have gone on about that for at least eight pages."

Peter and Ned rolled their eyes, "So, did you guys see that we have a new kid in our class?"

"Harry Osborn," MJ said with disgust.

"Are we talking about the son of Norman Osborn, head of Oscorp?" Ned asked.

"Is there any other famous Osborn?" MJ replied sarcastically.

"What's the big deal?" Ned wondered out loud.

"Norman Osborn may be successful, but he's known for being crooked," MJ explained. "Tony Stark did some shit before he reformed himself as Iron Man, but Osborn is worse. And get this, they had a rivalry, but Stark always won."

"And now Norman Osborn's son is gonna be attending," Peter added.

"Just because his father is crooked doesn't mean his son is," Ned stated.

Peter shrugged, "Maybe..."

His phone beeped, indicating he got a text, but the number was "Blocked".

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