Chapter 4: Natural Selection

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~A couple days later~

Freddie's right front paw had completely grown back, and all of his vitals were normal.

"It really worked!" Peter exclaimed.

"Success!" Dr. Connors exclaimed in triumph.

"Well done, Curt!" Martha, Connors' wife, praised her husband for their accomplishment.

"It's still a bit too early for human testing, though," said Connors. "Still, at least we're taking a step in the right direction."

The phone rang, so Connors answered, "Yes?"
His expression immediately changed to grim, "Fine, send them in."

"Is something wrong?" Peter asked.

Connors hung up the phone, "Investors from Oscorp are here."

Peter felt instant dread upon hearing that. Knowing how crooked Oscorp was, despite their success; he knew them coming here wasn't a good thing.

"Peter, why don't you take the rest of the day off?" Martha suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, we've dealt with these vultures before," Connors assured him.

Peter nodded, then left.

~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~

After stopping a few petty crimes, Peter made it home, and climbed in through his window. He pressed the spider symbol on his chest to make his suit deflate, and slip off his body.
Now, he was just in his boxer shorts.

"Welcome back."

"Whoa!" Peter exclaimed as he turned to see MJ sitting on his bed. "H-how long were you there?"

"Long enough..." she responded, tentatively.
Her eyes were a little bit wide, skimming over her boyfriend's abs.

"So...did you go to F.E.A.S.T today?" asked Peter.

It took MJ a few seconds before she acknowledged his question, "Oh, yeah... It's going pretty well. I really like helping the kids."

"...Are you okay?" Peter asked. "You're acting a little more distant than usual."

"I'm just working through some thoughts...but that's not happening," she gestured to his muscles.

"Oh, sorry," Peter apologized, then started putting some clothes on.
Soon, he was fully dressed and sitting beside her.

"That's better," said MJ.

"So...did anything happen?" asked Peter.

"...I met some people," MJ replied.

"Why don't we talk about it while we work on that jigsaw puzzle?" he suggested.

"Sure," MJ said as they got to work on the puzzle.


Dr. Connors and Martha had managed to scare off Oscorp's Investors by threatening to go to Stark Industries lawyers. Since they had provided resources, they also helped with legal, and other matters.

Still, what one of the investors said had scared Connors a bit, "Norman Osborn always gets what he wants."

Connors turned on the 3D projection, showing an image of himself, then checked what the right dosage should be. After about 8 tries, he got it right.
Feeling desperate, he got the syringe, put the right dosage of the formula in it, and injected it into his right shoulder.

He grunted at the stinging sensation, then felt something changing within him!
He started sweating hard and held his shoulder in pain! Finally, he couldn't take the feeling anymore and passed out!

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