Chapter 14: Graduation

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~A week later~

Just a few more days until graduation, and everyone was looking forward to it! But, they were also nervous as hell. After all, it was the next big chapter of their lives, and no one knew what the future held. Still, most of them were determined to face it head on.

Speaking of which, MJ was just arriving at F.E.A.S.T. North up in Harlem, and she saw most of the people outside. Some were gathered just outside the entrance, while others were in the park just next to the shelter. The entrance was blocked by "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS" yellow tape.

MJ spotted a familiar face talking to someone; it was a beautiful Puerto Rican woman in her thirties.

"Mrs. Morales?"

The woman turned to her and her face lit up, "Michelle, tan buena verte!" (Spanish: So good to see you)

MJ accepted her hug, "Tú también!" (You too)

"Encantada de verte atrapada con el español," Rio stated. (Glad to see you stuck with Spanish)

"Sí, además de francés e italiano," MJ replied. "Necesitaba eso para el viaje del año pasado." (Yeah, plus French and Italian. Needed that for the trip last year)

MJ then looked to the police tape with worry,
"What happened here?"

Rio sighed, "A pipe burst. We cleaned it up, but the city won't let them re-open until the plumbing's fixed. They've had it repaired three times, but it keeps breaking down."

"Why don't they go to other F.E.A.S.T. Shelters?" MJ asked.

"They're at capacity," Rio informed her. "Everyone here, they've got nowhere else to go. Thank God this didn't happen when it's cold."

"Anything I can do to help?" MJ asked.

"Sí, check on the people in the park," Rio answered. "Luke Cage is already there helping."

"Luke Cage, Hero of Harlem?" MJ questioned.

"The very same," said Rio.

MJ walked over to the small park, and immediately spotted the aforementioned man. Easily identifiable by his bald head, yellow shirt and blue jeans.

She went over to him, finally seeing just how big he was; 6'3" and fairly muscular.

"Uh, Mr. Cage?"

He turned to her, chuckling, "It's Luke."

"Right," she chuckled nervously. "I'm Michelle, I volunteer at the F.E.A.S.T. Centers."

"Nice to meet you," Luke gave her a firm handshake. "Did you come to lend a hand?"

"Yeah," MJ answered. "This seems weird; they keep fixing the plumbing, but it keeps breaking?"

"This building isn't that old," Luke added. "What's really weird is that the city inspectors showed up less than an hour after the flood."

MJ's eyes narrowed, "Anything else?"

"One guy over there said he saw some guys casing the place," Luke continued. "He chased them off with a knife, but they came back, then up'n disappeared right before the flood. Also, a month ago the shelter put in a new water heater. Inspector said it was in good shape."

"That is suspiciously coincidental," MJ muttered.

Luke glanced at her, "You suspect foul play?"

"There might be," MJ replied. "I don't know what else it could be."

Luke sighed, "Sweet Christmas..."

MJ pulled out her phone and called Peter, "Hey MJ, what's up?"

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