Chapter 10: First Valentine

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~A Month Later~

Valentine's Day was just around the corner, and MJ actually found herself looking forward to it. It was the first time during the holiday that she was in a relationship, and she loved Peter, far, he hadn't mentioned it.

She spotted him by his locker and went over, "Hey dork."

"Hey," Peter smiled in response, then looked around in confusion. "Can you tell me what's up with all the heart decorations?"

MJ squinted her eyes at her boyfriend, "You do remember what holiday is in February, right Parker?"

Peter scratched his chin in thought, "Hmm; Groundhog Day, President's Day..."

"Valentine's Day," she mentioned.

"Oh, I don't celebrate," he dismissed the subject. "You know, I've never had a girlfriend on-"

Peter's eyes widened and he looked at MJ, who arched her eyebrow, "OH, I have a girlfriend on Valentine's Day!"

"Mhm," she hummed in confirmation.

But then he laughed, "I'm kidding, I didn't forget about Valentine's Day."

"Keep that up, and you won't remember anything when I'm done with you," MJ warned in a playful manner.

Peter chuckled and kissed her in response, "You love me too much to really hurt me."

"Everybody has limits, Parker," MJ responded.

~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~

At Oscorp, Max Dillon was heading to the General Mix Lab to fix an electric flow problem. He and his sister, Sarah had been partners since they were kids, both being geniuses when it came to electricity. Being hired by Oscorp was a big opportunity, if only they realized the rumors of Norman Osborn being crooked were true.

Mas and Sarah designed the specs for the power grid for the city, but Osborn took credit for it. Naturally, Mas and Sarah weren't going to take this lying down. They just needed a good lawyer, but going up against Oscorp legally would be next to impossible. Still, it wasn't gonna stop them from trying.

Max got to the lab, where some modified electric eels swam in some tanks, providing one of the sources of power for the building. He went up to where the shortage was and got out his radio.

"Hey Sarah, I'm here," he said. "Shut down power to...Section 32."

"Got it," Sarah responded, then the power went off in the area Max was in, so he could fix it without getting hurt.

He got onto the railing and stretched his leg to balance on a metal bar just below the shortage, but he slipped! He grabbed one of the loose cables as he fell...into one of the tanks! The eels, feeling threated by the intrusion, began to attack Max, biting into him! His skin started to light up golden yellow, and lightning started to stream around him, then the tank exploded! Max's body twitched for a bit before going limp.

"Max?! Max, what happened?!" Sarah's voice called frantically from the radio. "MAX?!"

There was no answer.

~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~

With this being their Senior Year, Peter and his friends also had to think about college.

Peter himself had already decided on Columbia University, since it allowed him to stay in New York, and the city needed Spider-Man. Plus, he could still be close to MJ, as well, since she'd also chosen Columbia University.

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