Chapter 6: Rhino Wrecks the Neighborhood

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"Sir, you have a call?" The butler told Norman.

"Who is it?"

"He calls himself "Mr. Hardhat", sir."

"Ah yes, thank you Joseph," Norman held out his hand for the phone. Joseph handed it to him, and left. Norman put the phone to his ear, "I thought I told you not to call me at home."

"Your little experiment failed," Hammerhead's voice growled from the other end.

"Did it?" Norman questioned. "I seem to recall he managed to poison the bug."

"He's still up and crawling, you old, decrepit bastard!!" shouted Hammerhead.

"I'm fully aware, but it's been proven that he can be hurt," Norman retaliated. "Do you have someone in mind for the next one?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Hammerhead answered. "Someone the bug cut a couple weeks ago, Aleksei Sytsevich."

~~~~~~~~A Couple Days Later~~~~~~~~~

During free period, Peter got a text from Aaron, stating "Spidey Alert: A Humanoid Rhinoceros is on a Rampage!"

"What is it?" MJ asked, noticing Peter's questioning expression.

"Aaron says there's some kind of Rhino Man on the loose," he whispered.

"Rhino Man?" asked MJ.

Peter shrugged, "But, we got Trig next period..."

"Ten minutes, kick that Rhino guy's ass, and ten minutes to get back," MJ whispered. "You can do that with your mask on backwards."

Peter chuckled a bit, "I wouldn't go that far." He got up, told the teacher he was going to the restroom, and changed as he climbed to the roof of the school.

"Okay Aaron, which way is this Rhino guy?"

"Just follow the sirens," Aaron answered.

"Got it," Spidey said before he shot out a web and began to swing through the streets, following the sound of police sirens. As he got closer, he saw signs of extreme property damage; it was like a bulldozer had run through the area! Spidey saved a couple from getting crushed by a thrown car before turning to the street where the sirens were heading.

And...Aaron wasn't wrong; there was a large man in a grey/silver suit of armor wrecking everything in the area! From the way his feet looked, and the horn on his head, he was definitely supposed to look like a rhino.

Spidey landed behind Rhino just after he crushed the hood of a police car, "Hey, is that a horn on your head, or are you" He trailed off as Rhino turned to him and he could see exactly how big the man was. "I am so scared; I can't even finish my joke..."


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