Chapter 5: Sting of the Scorpion

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"Who in this room can tell me, how ONE guy in a costume manages to always interfere with my operations?" A deep voice, coming from a man standing by an office window overlooking the city asked all the men in the office.

No one answered.

"Sytsevich was a top Russia Mob enforcer, yet the bug still got him," the man continued. "I had a list as long as my arm on bidders for the plutonium, and who's money is that?"

Again, no one answered.

"That wasn't a rhetorical question."

"Your money, boss," One guy spoke out.

"Exactly," The man stepped into the light, revealing a strangely shaped head. It was almost completely flat at the top, with black hair, and almost triangle shaped going down. His big forehead had a few surgical scars down the middle, and a pair of brown eyes. He wore a dark blue business suit with a red shirt, and black tie.

"You know, I hated the Kingpin, but I respected him as well. That man nearly had the entire city under his boot, and in his second outing, turned the fucking FBI into his personal army to eliminate his competition! HAHAHAHAHA, WHAT A GENIUS!!! .....Despite that, Daredevil took him down; both times!"

"Boss?" One of the men spoke out. "Gargan is here."

Hammerhead smirked, "Excellent, send him in."

A rather small man with a shaved head walked in. He had a scorpion tattoo on the left side of his neck.

"Mac Gargan, what a pleasure," Hammerhead turned to face him.

"So, I take it you bailed me out?" Mac asked.

"We have a mutual enemy; a certain web-swinging do-gooder," Hammerhead replied. "I figured you'd want payback."

Mac smiled sinisterly, "Like you need to ask?"

~~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~

"So, how are things with Peter?" Marisol asked MJ as they down the hall together.

This year, MJ had made some effort to make more friends, and Marisol Fuentes was an easy one. She was a pretty Latina who rivaled her and Peter in brain power.

"Things are pretty well," said MJ as she went to her locker. "How about you and Mikey?"

"It's good," Marisol replied. "But still, you know how he is."

"Like a puppy constantly doting his master," MJ remarked. "No offense."

"None taken," Marisol looked around the hall. "Where is Peter? It's not like him to be late."

"He still helps at Stark Industries, especially after Tony's death," MJ made an excuse.

"Man, he really looked up to that guy, huh?" asked Marisol.

"He was like his mentor," MJ replied.

~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~

Spider-Man swung as fast as he could toward Midtown Tech, hoping he wasn't cutting it too close.

He had to save a few people from a burning building, but that's the life of a hero.

Suddenly, his "Spider-Sense" (As Aaron had called it) started buzzing loudly in his head! He spun in mid-air and caught the armored hands of a scary large man in some kind of green and black armor!

"Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Well, that's not very neighborly!"

The man's armor had three fingered claws, two clawed toes, large orange eye lenses, and a long thick tail with glowing light green lights on it.

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