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Lavender's POV

"We're ready Lavender." The Barcelona team press lady says causing me to sigh. 

"Let's get this shit over with." I say then Pongo and I follow the team press lady to the press room here at the Barcelona training center.

We're back with our club teams now after the October friendly window and I have to do a press conference about the upcoming Real Madrid game.

I'm pretty sure I disassociated during the whole October friendly window because I don't really know what happened.

Maya told me that we, Spain, won 4-0 against Australia and I scored twice then we beat Colombia 3-1 and I scored once in that game.

I usually disassociate for a little bit after having a PTSD attack.

"This is going to be live-streamed right?" I question.

"Yeah." The press lady, Antonella, says.

"Good." I say. "Do you have other players joining us?"

"Yeah." Antonella says. "They'll join after you."

"Cool." I say as we approach the press room so I stop Antonella and look at her. "Let me say the question thing so I get the heat."

Antonella nods so we head into the room then Pongo and I sit at the table in front of the press corp.

"I've got horses to tend to so I'll only be answering 5 questions today." I say then Antonella calls on the first journalist.

"What are you expecting from Real Madrid?" Some lady asks.

"Real Madrid haven't beaten Barcelona ever so I'm not expecting much." I say. "And they haven't really shown me anything this year so I think we're gonna easily win."

"Ooh." Someone says then Antonella calls on the next journalist.

"Why do you not like Dakota Duke?" Some journalist asks.

Dakota Duke is an American Center-Back who plays for Real Madrid.

She's also the daughter of the cunt who stole my families ranch from us after my parents died.

Oh and she's the grand daughter of the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan

So fuck her whole family.

"She's racist, her sister's racist and a fucking liar, her dad's a racist thieving cunt, and her grandfather is the biggest racist of them all." I say. "She also DM's me a lot and calls me the n word and after my kids and baby mama were killed she said my, and I quote, half-breed, offensive name for a mexican that starts with a w, n-word, bastards deserved to die, end quote."

"Jesus." Someone mumbles.

"And I know you probably have a follow up question so I'll answer it without counting towards the five." I say. "Her sister Dallas is a liar because she said I got her pregnant and took me to court for fuck knows what reason."

I never even fucked that bitch.

"And Her father is a thieving cunt because he stole my families ranch for 6 years and left my sister and I homeless until I found my parents actual will and we got back what was rightfully ours." I say then Antonella calls on the next journalist.

Fuck the Duke family

"Do you think Dakota Duke is the reason people don't like the US national team now?" Some dude ask.

"She's one of them." I say.

"Why do you think people don't like the US national team now?" The same journalists asks.

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