Mirror Mirror

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I stand before you, oh mirror on the wall,
Haunted by trauma, will it ever stall?
Misery and pain, a humiliating sprawl,
I yearn for a genie, at my beck and call.

I wish to vanish, yet my spirits rise,
In the face of calamity, I wear a disguise,
Pretending to be strong, though inside I'm small,
I press on, stalling time's relentless haul.

Mirror, mirror, reflect upon my plea,
Should I surrender or await magic's decree?
Are my verses mere scrawls or poetry?
Am I a speck of dust or a snowfall's beauty?

Confusion plagues me, my thoughts entwined,
I search for answers, but solace is hard to find,
Tangled in doubts, my skin begins to crawl,
Enough! I decide, no more will I sprawl.

I torment myself, wondering if I'll fail,
Tell me, mirror, will my strength prevail?
Guide me with truth, for I stand tall,
Oh mirror, mirror, reveal my inner thrall.

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