oh juliet, it's a boy!

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Oh Juliet! listen to me, let me tell you about a boy,
a fine specimen, straight from a novel of tolstoy,
gentle, alluring, yet have all the power to destroy,
oh no, my heart is frail, not covered in metallic alloy,

Oh Juliet! how could I possibly demystify this to you?
I can stare at him, under moonlit and fallen dew,
handsome as is he, unblinkingly, all I can think is 'I do',
he confuses me, ignites fire, what to do, I have no clue.

oh Juliet! heed to me, burning by desire, I am going insane,
his mere smile, weakens me, and all goes in vain,
thinking, aching, walking, crying under this rain,
craving, my mind and soul accepts him as my domain,

oh Juliet! pay attention, he has become a habit of mine,
it's worse than love, mind you! thicker than any bloodline,
let me tell you girl, a gaze of his, I feel electric and moonshine,

oh Juliet, are you curious? listen to me, where were I!
yes, about a boy, who can hurt me, can make me cry,
still, I am drawn to him, unable to stop, I don't know why,
he's so far away, the idea of him being mine, makes me sigh!

oh Juliet, help me, what do i do? for him I am yearning,
'nobody can melt my walls', I told him this, here I'm burning,
frozen on a thought; I'll lose him, my insides are churning,
alas! I don't deserve him, to let go? I am still learning.

Author's note:
A girl who has fallen in love with a boy, he's from another world, far more better and far more perfect than her, she's in yearn for his love yet she knows she would have to let go eventually... even though he makes her feel alive, Even though his mere smile melts her like no one, still she can't have him!
listening to "Princesses don't cry" by Aviva Mongilo.

September 9th, 2020. 7:05 am

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