Dear Fatima,

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I would never be able to
To write a poem on you!
You are poetry itself,
Amalgmation of different
A mystery of nature or a driving

I read you and again read you
I am finished now, I thought!
Oh! How wrong I was.
When a new poem teases me
Dumbfounded, I try to read it
But a new one smiles at me,
And I gave up!
Poetry is a never ending laybrinth
You just get lost in it,
and it teases you
breaks you,
Warms you, saddens you,
Comforts you!
an unceasing cycle!
Its aroma bitter and hot
Like coffee, but sometimes
cold as an ice,

So I can never write a poem
on you,
A poem is not enough to portray
I give up and decide not to try!
My poem on you is still
in fragments,
Because I want to read you,
To inhale this bitter aroma
and coldness,
Till my last breath!
To enjoy every single poem of
To explore you,
So I will let my poem of you be

Love Aqsa,

Author's note:
A free verse poetic letter for a girl who is combination of poems... my words can't explain my love for you!

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