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Immune to all troubles, when I was little
Nothing to worry about, but easy and brittle

Wanting to grow rapidly, so that I could fight,
Those who made my friends shiver with fright.

We always played with paper keel in a puddle freely,
We used to make sand castles then bust them easily.

We scuffled and then all forgotten next time,
We met like nothing happened, we were rhyme.

I still remembered when I slept anywhere but at home,
But found my self at solace when touched by mom.

Alas! those days are gone and I am no more a child,
Step into a world where I can't ignore, cannot hide.

I reminisce those days but now I am not immune to pain,
Ignorance was bliss, I don't like this consciousness, but in vain.

I cannot forget those days of my Childhood.
I want to live in that specific time if I could..!

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