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Akin to an old doleful cadence, indelible melody,
you're stuck in my head, there's no remedy,

Enchanted, frozen, always twirling on your tunes yet!
Mystified, tempting and bewitching as of a ballerina's pirouette,

Shoulders slumped, laced with tragidies of eons,
A mess; chaotic amalgamation of thousands of neons.

Nonetheless, a gaze of you is a sole essence of mine,
Render me in a haze as if I am drinking wine,

I feel as if falling down and down through this crevice,
Darkness besieged me in this incessant abyss,

Ma chérie, how I am plunging deeply, just to brittle!
Bones shattering from sheer pain, yet I resist only a little.

Your sparkling eyes burned me, tricking my frail heart,
Intensifying my misery, your whispers torn me apart,

An alluring smile of yours', a treacherous infamy,
I will melt, while playing a self loathing symphony!

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