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Nostalgia, an acute craving, takes hold,
Clawing at your heart with stories untold.
It forces you to dwell in the past's embrace,
Obscuring the present in a foggy haze.

The future eludes, nowhere to be seen,
While old moments and memories intervene.
Keenly they beckon, like a serpent's sway,
Leaving you hazy and intoxicated, led astray.

Breath hitched on surreal moments gone by,
A perfect mirage, a chance to defy,
The weight of the world, forgotten and still,
Enchanted by memories, their melodies thrill.

Yet breaking free from this nostalgic cage,
Requires strength and resilience, step by stage.
To embrace the present, release the past's grip,
Finding liberation, from nostalgia's ship.

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