Chapter 3

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Um. Hello?

I'm really annoyed because I came here to finish the chapter, and it got deleted. Um. So... sorry this took a while.

TW: Death (don't worry it's just like a BOOM! And then they respawn) Angst? Probably. I'm not really good with these trigger warnings

Xarina's Journal/POV

Jimmy lost his green life last week. Now we're heading over to Renchanting.

Xarina ran through the trees. "Bet you can't beat me there Jimmy!" She laughed as she ran, she already had a head start.

"Xarina! Wait! You can't start a race when you're ahead of me!" Jimmy protested as he tried to catch up.

Scott, who was up in the trees giggled, "Last one there's a rotten egg!"

The 'results' of the race were:

1. Scott

2. Xarina (though the top 2 were highly debatable depending on who you asked)

3. Jimmy (who complained that it wasn't a fair race, and that he should get a rematch)

They got there, and Grian and Scar had set up a TNT trap. Scott told everyone to get away from the enchanting table, Xarina went to go get Ren and Martyn, and Jimmy looked for a way to diffuse the trap. When they came out of the fort, they helped as well.

But then Jimmy accidentally nudged the minecart.

Xarina grabbed Jimmy and tried to lunge away- but she wasn't fast enough.



Aaaaaand that's a wrap folks! I hope you enjoyed-

Nope! I'm not THAT evil!

Anyway, back to the story!

Scott POV

Jimmy was the first red. What would happen? Would he turn against them?

What's going to happen now?

Jimmy POV

Oh gosh. I'm Red now. What if I betray someone? What if I kill Scott?

What if I hurt someone?

Nobody in Particular POV

Xarina raced out of her grotto, and started running back towards Renchanting with Jimmy. Jimmy's red voices were whispering in her head. She couldn't save you in time. Maybe she didn't want to save you.

By the time they made it to Renchanting, Jimmy had almost given into the voices completely, just about agreeing with them.

"Hey Scott, did you save my stuff?" Xarina asked, running up to him. "I don't really want to have to start all over again."

With confirmation from Scott that it was in the chests nearby, they both went to go grab their items, or what was left of them.

Xarina was chatting with Scott when Jimmy walked up behind her. She turned around, not noticing the murderous expression on his face. "Hey Jimmy! Me and Scott were just discussing how to get back at the Desert Duo. Do you have-"

Just then, Jimmy slashed at her face, and she leapt back, but not before he managed to leave a cut across her cheek, and she fell to the ground, her hand on her face.

"YOU DIDN'T SAVE ME," He at Xarina as he stalked towards her, and she scrambled backwards. "I BET YOU WANTED ME TO BE RED! WELL GUESS WHAT?" He grinned maniacally. "I'm Red now. I can do whatever I want!"

Xarina knew it was the Red voices talking, but it didn't make it hurt any less. She cast one last terrified and betrayed glance at Jimmy, and fled towards their base.

It was only then, after she was far out of sight, that the red glow faded from Jimmy's eyes, and he realized what had just happened.

"No! Xarina! Wait!" He started to run after her, but Scott stopped him. He fell to his knees. "No... Scott-"

"What have I done?"

Or maybe I am that evil... BWAHAHAHA!


(You're not really idiots, I'm sure you're very lovely people.)

Anyhoo, how did you like the chapter? I decided to skip a bit, because I was dying to write about this. I did have a different chapter planned, but I took a break, and it's missing. 🤷‍♀️

Yes I'm evil.

I just made up a new thing!

When you're Red, you get voices in your head telling you to do violent stuff. So I made Jimmy's voices tell him to attack Xarina. 

Also, I forgot to tell you this, but Jimmy and Martyn remember the seasons because they're Listeners.

Grian... he's an ex-Watcher in this one. He sort-of remembers Red Life, but he would have to be prompted for the memories to come up, because the Watchers don't want him to remember.

Time freezes in other SMPs while the death games are going on.

See ya soon!

WC: 709


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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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