Ain't that niffty?

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Inside of the Vee's headquarters vox was sitting down on a chair looking at a set of monitors holding his screen in annoyance.

Vox: Urgh I cannot believe that I have to work with alastra and that damn human I can't believe it! After all the shit they've done to me that old hag Camila wants me to just bend over and kiss their ass?!

He looks at a monitor showing diavolo during his fight with pucci.

Vox: Honestly I'm more tempted to try and partner with this diavolo just to spite them. Sure a war with heaven sounds crazy but if we were to win we could gain some serious power and influence. Maybe working with this guy might not be such a bad idea.

Vox ponders to himself tapping his fingers together he is then disturbed by his partner Valentino who walks in holding a letter with his and Vox's name signed on it.

Valentino: Got a letter for ya Vox. The strange thing is that it's signed for both of us.

Vox: Hmmm that is odd might be someone from a news station asking for an interview or maybe an overload willing to make a partnership.

Vox takes the letter from Val and opens it.

Vox: Lets see what we have here......

Vox mumbles a sentence as he read the letter at first he didn't seem worried but when he kept scrolling down he became more and more frightened to the point his eyes were about to pop out from the screen.

Vox: No....nonononononono not now why do they have to come now!?

Valentino: Vox baby chill out what's the big deal?

Vox shoves the letter infront of Val's face.

Vox: Re-read it.

Val does as instructed and goes pale when he sees who's names are at the end of the letter.

Valentino: Oh shit baskets.

Vox: Yeah shit indeed. They haven't even given us any warning like last time.

Valentino: It's gotta be one of their surprise visit. They love to just show up uninvited it's a kink I swear!

Vox: We'll.....let's get dressed into something more stylish and professional they are coming over in the next few hours.

Valentino: So much for having an easy day.

Outside of the hazbin hotel niffty our loveable yandere maid was busy throwing away the trash. It was one of her favourite hobbies making sure the hotel was spick and span she also hoped it would swoon over Y/N who as we all know by now has a uncomfortable obsession with him.

Niffty: Goodbye nasty nasty mess see you never!

Niffty throws the trash into the dumpster but as she did a dead cockroach fell from one of the bags.

Niffty: Oh no you don't.

Niffty stabs the roach with a pin and plucks it into the bin.

Niffty: Bye bye.

She then slams the dumpster shut and skips away happy with her work. The camera then pans into the dumpster where it focused on the dead roach.

Because you see this was not any other roach niffty had killed.

It was the roach she had accidentally pierced with the stand arrow before she pierced herself with it.

The roach began to glow bright yellow and then it's antenna twitches as the roach comes back to life with a vengeance against our little one eyed maid as a group of shadows surround it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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