58 - Little Bear Cubs (2.26k words)

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I've assisted many young girls during childbirth, but never had I helped a girl deliver little bears. I wasn't sure what the rules were in this case, but I've asked a few females with bear cubs how they managed, and the responses have all been the same: We just did.

A healer would only be required if they were giving birth to a girl. Boys were the easier delivery. It was usually a simple and fast process.

I held a moist meatball coated with a translucent layer. I didn't mind that it was dirty and carefully peeled the outer layer. The little bear's fur was fine and soft, with spots of reddish skin. It was a little bigger than my palm.


The little guy opened his eyes. They were a little cloudy, and his body was a little wet, but he was still very cute. His head turned, his nose sniffing as he looked for his momma.

I placed the little guy onto the animal skin on the ground and wiped away the remaining placenta with a soft piece of cloth. The little guy was trembling and shaking a little. I rubbed his stomach with the towel, and he made a sound like "munch munch."

Bai was resting against Parker's arms. She was soaked, and there was a pool of water on the ground. Her face was pale, her hair was matted with sweat, and she looked completely exhausted. "Ahh!" she screamed in pain.

"There's still one left," said Parker in distress as he gently stroked Bai's tummy.

Bai gritted her teeth and clenched Parker's hand. The second one was slightly bigger than the first, but still came out of the womb without much resistance. It was also covered in a thick layer of fluid.

Parker sighed with relief and looked at the scene with a smile, his eyes red and teary.

"Quickly, let me have a look," Bai managed to get out between breaths.

I held the two little bears wrapped in animal skin and carefully placed them beside their mother.

When Bai heard their sounds, she finally relaxed. She laughed and cried simultaneously, holding both babies in her arms and hugging them tightly, "Be good, you two. Mummy is right here. We've been waiting for so long to meet you. It's a pity your father isn't here. He'd be overjoyed."

"Qingqing, I'm also their father!" Parker's voice was hoarse and trembled a little, "I'll take good care of them as if they're my own."

Bai nodded, tears running down her cheeks.

I cleaned Bai first, then the room. After the baby bears were fed, I put them back in their baskets and tucked them in.

Parker might be picking fights with everyone daily, but he was not afraid to step up when it was time to take care of his family.

His eyes were moist, and he gently stroked the fur on the little guys' heads. They were already sleeping, with their eyes closed, and their little snouts were slightly open.

Bai, however, was still awake. "Thank you."

I nodded and patted her hand, "Get some rest. I'll come back and bring some porridge for you later."

· · ─────── · ⊱❈⊰· ─────── · ·

I walked out of the room and saw both Skaris and Muir waiting for me in the hallway.

My eyes felt hot, and I quickly closed them.

Muir snatched the basin with dirty water and towels from me and said with a frown, "Let me do it. You go take a rest."

I nodded in agreement, following them as we headed toward the kitchen.

Maybe I should have been harsher in rejecting them and not allowing Vick to influence my decisions so much.

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