59 - Finding Myself To Be Unusually Chatty Today (3.34k words)

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Before we left to check on the canal, the boys were thinking about heating things up in the bedroom the same night, especially since Muir would be busy flying around and coordinating with his eagle pals while Skaris would have to stay back and watch the house, and who knew for how long this time.

Skaris licked his lips, "I'm afraid to see your face after getting to know your body. I'm worried my heart might just give out not only with your wild ways but also your appearance." He tenderly placed my rough hand, covered in callouses and scars, against his cheek, "But no matter what, it's still your pair of hands that I love the most ─ the very hands that have saved me ─ they hold my heart in their grasp and give it life."

"..." I glanced down at the two cocks I was riding, then up at him, "..."

Really now?

Skaris was more into lovemaking than a simple fuck. He loved to flatter me and say a lot of weird and mushy stuff.

I brought him closer and caressed his cheek and hair. My lips pressed gently against his. "Your heart is yours. If you keep it to yourself, I will not feel offended."

"I will keep it and use it for your sake then," Skaris rested his forehead on mine. His deep breaths brushed over my lips as if trying not to feel my body only. It was an intense look. "Every beat, every breath will be for you, Dear." His fangs flashed out as his mouth curled into a vague smile, and his closed eye squinted, making the scar on his missing eye even more apparent. It was almost as if he was worshiping me and not just having sex.

Muir hugged me from the side. "As will I," he said, his voice deep and warm. They both became a bit competitive as if trying to prove who could be more devoted to me. "Even if you were to abandon me, I would still follow and serve you, and if I were to die for your sake, I would die happy."

"..." I stared blankly at them. If they were some random human Joes, I'd tell them to quit their lovey-dovey bullshit. But they weren't, so I let them have their little competition and didn't try to dissuade them.

I tried to sieve their words and enjoy my simple fuck, but it was getting too mushy, too intimate. Way too much, so I stood up, their cocks slipping out of me. I crept toward the laptop to switch off the camera. I thought of saving the recording for Vick and Curtis, but now, I was contemplating deleting the whole thing.

I didn't like cheating, but if my Kraken introduced me to his side chick, I would be fine with it. Was my self-worth always this low? I was never a good person to begin with, so maybe it came from knowing that I'm a shitty person? I'm not sure, but him, having other lovers beside me, seemed like such a small issue when I considered how little I had to offer as a partner.

The guys' faces dropped. Muir and Skaris faced each other, both wondering what they did wrong.

"What's wrong?" Muir asked.

"Did we hurt you?" Skaris followed.

I shook my head, "Just didn't want your semen to go to waste."

Muir and Skaris were silent. Waiting. Watching. Obviously not buying what I was selling.

I guess I really should give that self-proclaimed head male a serious talk about finding a way to tone down our boys' beastly senses. Seriously. They could sniff out my mood swings like a shark smells blood.

I sighed and walked back to the bed, sitting between them. Muir's and Skaris' hands rested on their laps. They were tense and uncomfortable.

"Sorry for ruining the mood," I said, leaning my head on the pillow and staring at the ceiling, "If you want to hug me, do it properly," I extended my arms.

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