60 - Vick's Haunting Legacy (2.5k words - approx 11min read)

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YaYa's POV

We stopped at Nivi's place along our journey and discovered that she was on her way to the Tiger King's castle.

We didn't linger long and left after briefly exchanging crucial information.

Recent actions by the mermen likely tipped off the Ape King, driving him to seek powerful allies like Sei and Curtis, who could fight in the water.

The ape couldn't hold back Curtis (since we were looking for a new place to live), but he could hold back Winston with his duties. All he needed to do was remove the former Tiger King and curry favor with Nivi.

It was common knowledge that the relationship between the Tiger King and Winston was strained. Under normal circumstances, Rosa's suitors wouldn't dare harm her parents, but under the Ape King's hypnotic influence? They just might.

All he needed to do was dazzle them with an illusion of Rosa and a promise of ruling a tiger kingdom, and just like that, they'd be under his spell.

The Tiger Princess had lost her dad's protection and the support of the kings, which was to be expected. Since she couldn't get an emerald from Winston or win him over as her male, she wasn't much use to the Ape King anymore.

I told Curtis that if someone ever accused him of kidnapping a blue-haired mermaid, he should just tell everyone that he did it under the order of the Ape King, the mermaid's mate.

Sometimes, a lie could be more believable than the truth.

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Vick's POV

I left the bustling canal site and the golden merman behind as my Precious descended majestically, riding an eagle. Both of us wore thick furs, hats to match.

As she dismounted, I rushed forward, arms wide. But instead of her warm embrace, two jugs of wine flew my way.

I quickly caught the jugs, "Are these for me?" I asked, stupefied.

"What do you mean 'Are these for me'? Do you want them or not?" She asked, her voice hoarse from the chill air.

"I want them, of course I want them," I said, a smile stretching across my face. I hugged my jugs tightly as if cradling something fragile, "Thank you for thinking of me, Precious."

"You worked for it," she responded, not at all moved by my gratitude.

I felt my chest fill with warmth despite the frigid temperatures. I hadn't had anything to drink in a long time, and now I had my hands full.

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The air was crisp, cold. Snow blanketed everything as I led my Precious and Muir into our temporary resting place ─ a small cave hidden by shrubs and vines. Inside was a thick nest made from various types of leaves and moss, forming a comfy, if somewhat prickly bed.

"Take a rest, buddy. You deserve it," I said, placing the jugs carefully on the ground. Grabbing a blanket, I draped it over Muir's eagle body.

When you grow up in a place where no one is there for you, where nothing comes for free, the slightest bit of kindness will leave an imprint that can never be forgotten. That was the reality behind the beastmen of this world. Unlike the beastmen from my birthplace, they didn't take anything for granted.

Muir nodded, taking a quiet rest in the nest. Within minutes, the sound of his snoring reverberated through the cave.

"How are your balls?" she asked, avoiding another one of my hugs, "Are they back to normal?"

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