Chapter 74: First Argument

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Once I finished cleaning my face, which was stained with Sara's juices, something I would've been much more inclined to drink if I'm being honest, as I found the taste rather addictive for some reason. I dried my face and exited the bathroom, only to see Sara lying in her bed talking with her parents on the phone, doing this while all naked.

"Yeah, Pharaoh's here. Did you want to talk with him?" Asked Sara as she glanced at Tut, who got into bed with her while speaking with her Father.

"Yo, what's up, Mr. Grey?" Said Tut lightly with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Sara's waist and snuggled against her back, causing her to sigh in relief.

"Hmm, is everything fine, Dad?" Asked Sara with a slight frown, though all she got was a hesitant "Yes".

"Alright, if you say so, Dad. I'm going to let Tut call his parents now; bye love you." Said Sara lightly with a slight smile as she hung up the phone before picking it up and handing it to Tut.

"You know my house number, right?" Asked Tut while glancing at Sara, who nodded and dialed the Kent's phone number for him.

When Sara finished dialing our number, I waited a few moments, yet even after a whole minute passed, no one answered the phone, causing me to frown as I gave her a skeptical look.

"Don't look at me; I dialed the correct number; your parents may just be out of the house." Remarked Sara defensively as she stared back at Tut, who nodded before reaching over Sara and dialing James's phone number.

Once Dad's phone number was inputted, I didn't really have much hope of him answering his phone, and just like I imagined, even after a minute, no one answered, which didn't really surprise me; half the time, he doesn't even have his phone on him so I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot it at the house. Sighing, I hung the phone up and dialed Mom's phone; unlike Dad, she was always quick to answer her phone, so I expected to hear her voice, yet I never did; even after waiting for over two minutes, there was no response.

'It should be around 9 o'clock for them; I understand if Dad wasn't answering since he might've had work today, but Mom? As much as I tell her not to, even if she was driving, she would've answered her phone.' Thought Tut with a frown as he hung up and called Hana's phone again, though he got the same outcome as before.

Giving up on the phone, I expanded my hearing to my absolute limit, but besides the sound of the ocean and Boston accents, I couldn't hear what I was looking for. I was just slightly too far away to hear what was occurring in New York; it was a little annoying, but I'm sure in a month or two, that'll change; ever since I hit puberty, my powers have been growing at an accelerated rate compared to before.

'Hmm, should I go and check on them?' Thought Tut with a pondering frown while a pair of lips kissed his cheeks.

"I don't think you should worry too much, Pharaoh. Didn't you say your parents usually have sex when you're absent from the house? It's around 9:30 for them; they're probably just getting their freak on and didn't hear their phones ringing. We don't all have super hearing like you, Tut." Remarked Sara softly as she kissed Tut's cheek, soothing his worries.

"Yeah, you're probably right, Sara; they tend to ignore their surroundings whenever they have sex." Replied Tut with a nod as he shook his head and kissed Sara's lips instead of her neck or cheek.

"Anyways, you need to get some sleep, Sarah; otherwise, you're going to be entirely exhausted later in the day." Added Tut softly as he reached behind him and turned off the lap, darkening the room.

"I would, but it's kind of hard to do that when someone is fondling your breasts." Said Sara blandly as she looked at Tut's hand, which was playing with her sizeable breasts.

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