Chapter 75: Returning to Serbia

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With Sara teasing me by constantly rubbing my crotch, which was now erect, we eventually arrived at the group of Serbians I had rescued from this destroyed city. Walking close, I noticed some of them were awake, though most were still sleeping, which I didn't mind; their home was literally ravaged by war a few days ago; they needed some time to accept things fully, and sleeping was a great way to do so.

Nearing them, I told them all good morning in a hushed voice as I wasn't trying to wake the others up, but I'm sure the rising sun was going to do that on its own.

"G-Good morning, Pharaoh." Replied Slavany, the young girl, softly as she awoke from her slumber, rubbing her eyes and spotting Pharaoh.

"Good morning to you as well, Slavany; did you sleep well?" Asked Pharaoh lightly as he squatted down and gently rubbed Slavany's frizzled hair.

"Yes. Has my Dad returned yet, Pharaoh?" Said Slavany with a nod as she glanced at Pharaoh while standing up, her words causing everyone within earshot to frown at the young, oblivious girl.

"Eh, n-no, sorry Slavany, your Dad still hasn't returned; he's probably out there looking for you." Replied Pharaoh with a slightly pained expression as he lifted Slavany into the air and held her in his arms.

"If he's looking for me, shouldn't I go and find him then so that he knows I'm okay?" Asked Slavany curiously as she yawned before snuggling up against Pharaoh's chest while Sara moved her legs out of the way, nearly falling in the process, though Pharaoh kept her stabilized.

"No, it's currently dangerous in Serbia, if you were to go alone, what if something happens to you? Your Dad will be greatly saddened; it's best for you to stay with me as I can protect you in case danger arrives. You don't need to worry about your Dad either; he's an adult, so he's more than capable of taking care of himself." Stated Pharaoh lightly, walking toward where the food was before sitting on a destroyed cement pillar with rebar sticking out of it.

"Oh, okay." Said Slavany hesitantly with a nod as she sat on Pharaoh's lap and watched as he made a small sandwich.

"Here you go; it's a little dry without any mayo or mustard, but it should still taste good; just make sure to drink some water. I don't want you choking." Remarked Pharaoh with a slight smile as he handed a small sandwich to Slavany, who took it, silently eating on his lap.

While Slavany was eating, some more people woke up; most still looked distressed, mainly the younger survivors, while the older people seemed to have handled it much better; when Slavany finished eating, just about everyone was finally awake; seeing that, I figured it was time to start moving things along.

"Alright, Slavany, I'm going to get something important real quick, so if you'll excuse me; I'll return quickly." Said Pharaoh as he lifted Slavany off his lap and set her next to him on the cement pillar before hopping off.

"Okay, be safe, Pharaoh." Said Slavany with a sad nod as she waved at Pharaoh, who waved back before turning and walking away.

"So, what's this important thing you're going to get?" Asked Sara curiously as she looked down at Pharaoh, who was looking around the place with his X-ray vision.

"I'm looking for a car to take them to the refugee shelter; the only problem is, it's not exactly easy to find a big enough car to fit roughly twenty people that hasn't already been destroyed. I don't even need a working one, just one that has four wheels; actually, wheels aren't even required; I'll carry them if I have to." Replied Pharaoh through furrowed brows as he searched his vicinity and beyond, finding nothing of use.

"What about that destroyed parking garage in the corner of the city? It was small, but that should be a good place to look, no?" Questioned Sara with a nod before tapping Pharaoh's head and pointing to her left, prompting him to nod.

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