Chapter 77: Entering

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After being shot at twice and seeing how chill I was, like a real nigga, they lowered their weapons, and we all became friends; sike, it wasn't that fun. What really happened was after they verified my words by checking the car, which was full of survivors, they helped them out and took them into the refugee camp, leaving just Sara and I; though on the bright side, while they they were still pointing their weapons at me, they seemed much more calm.

"Yo, so are we allowed to enter or not?" Asked Tut curiously, sitting on the truck's hood beside Sara while waving to Slavany, who was entering the refugee camp with everyone else and a few soldiers.

"What's your motive, Tut?" Asked the older man solemnly as he eyed Tut, his eyes softening though he still didn't trust him.

"Really, I just want to make sure everyone I brought here is fitting in nicely, and I was curious to see if I could find these two." Replied Tut casually as he reached into his pocket, grabbing the picture he had confiscated before hopping off the truck and approaching the older man.

Although my movements were sudden, thankfully, no one shot me; it seems that rescuing survivors had put them in my good books, though they were still vigilant of me, which is understandable. I mean, if I were in their shoes, I definitely wouldn't be so trusting of a random 'Mutant' appearing from the clouds while effortlessly carrying a truck full of people. Handing the picture to the older man, he looked at it for a few seconds before nodding and returning it to me.

"I see. What about her." Said the older man as he handed the picture of four back to Pharaoh before shifting his focus to Sara, who, despite being surrounded by deadly weapons that could easily kill her, acted without a care in the world.

"Eh, Sara? She's just a normal human; nothing special about her." Remarked Tut with a slight smirk as he glanced at Sara, who was fidgeting with her camera, only to stop and leap off the hood like Tut, though, because of how sore she was, her legs gave out, and she fell.

"Ouch." Muttered Sara in pain, though she was far more embarrassed that she had just fallen in front of such a large crowd.

"Hehe, see, just a boring, normal, lame human." Said Tut, though this time, he spoke in English, which, believe it or not, most of the soldiers knew, causing the older man to nod as he everyone else glanced at Sara.

"Tch, Tut, will you help your girlfriend or not!?" Exclaimed Sara in slight anger as she eyed Tut, knowing he was fully capable of preventing her from face-planting with the ground, though he didn't.

"Don't be so mad, Sara; I didn't wish to make any sudden movements and possibly get shot at for a third time." Replied Tut with a massive grin as he approached Sara, helping her up and dusting off her clothes before picking her up and resting her meaty thighs on his shoulders.

"Can she not walk?" Asked the older man as he skeptically glanced at Sara before looking at Tut.

"She physically can, but she's a little sore in the groin area; we had a little rough first-time nightly session." Said Tut in Serbian with a light blush, causing the various men to smirk slightly while the older man nodded in understanding, not bothering to question their relationship further.

"Lastly, allow us to pat you down." Remarked the older man as he eyed Tut, who nodded without much hesitation.

"Yes, go ahead; neither of us has anything dangerous on us." Stated Pharaoh as he set Sara beside him while four soldiers approached them and patted them each down.

"Hey, she's my girlfriend, so you better not try anything funny." Added Pharaoh as he squinted his eyes and stared at the two men patting Sara down, and although neither responded, their actions became more reserved.

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