Chapter 81: Retreat!

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"What are you doing!? Why are you helping the enemy!?" Exclaimed Klovin angrily as he looked at Tut, whose figure blurred before a bunch of bullets appeared in his hand.

"First off, I'm not helping the 'enemy', if anything, what I'm doing is helping you guys; they have much more firepower than you do, and without my presence, this sub-base or whatever it's called wouldn't have lasted that long in the first place." Remarked Tut lightly as he threw a handful of bullets over the edge of the tower before glancing back at Klovin, who looked thoroughly pissed.

"If you were helping us, you wouldn't block our bullets!" Yelled Klovin while clenching the megaphone in his hand while Tut merely frowned.

"That's true, but that's the thing: I'm not doing this to help you guys; I'm not Serbian; this isn't my war to fight; I'm merely forcing everyone to a standstill. So long as I'm here, nothing is happening, no one is dying, and neither side will cross that long line of bullets on the ground." Replied Tut with a nod, leaning against the railing while looking at the convoy, only to hear the side of a gun cocking.

"I see; if you're not on our side, whose side are you on?" Asked Klovin as he swiftly regained his composure and held a pistol at his while warily eyeing Tut.

"That pistol won't work on me, General, so If I were you, I wouldn't bother wasting ammo; also, I'm not on anyone's side; as I said before, this isn't my war to fight. I'm merely protecting the refugees, that's all; besides, after today, there is a good chance the war will come to an end." Stated Tut calmly while glancing at the pistol in Klovin's hand before staring at his face and sighing to himself.

"Listen, after this convoy returns from whence it came from, I'll be leaving, alright, so until that happens, just sit back and watch." Added Tut as he stood upright before flying out of the tower and landing on the other side of the line of bullets approaching the convoy.

'Haa, I had told myself I wasn't going to get involved, but look at me now; whatever, I'll just end this stupid war; I already know where the leader and other high-ranking officials are; I'll just capture them and hand them over to Serbia. A snake is harmless without its head or something like that; I think that's how the saying goes.' Pondered Pharaoh with a shake of his head as he walked towards the convoy, getting shot several times, but all of the bullets simply fell to his feet.

I was hoping my display of power would make them stop shooting at me, but no, as I continued walking, the concentration of fire only got more intense, which was slightly annoying because they clearly saw that I was the one stopping the earlier rain of fire. Stopping beside a tank, I grabbed it and covered it in my aura before lifting it into the air, threatening to hit it with it.

"If you continue to shoot, I'll throw this at you! Don't test me." Stated Tut in a loud voice that overpowered the sound of gunfire, which eventually died down.

"Cease your fire!" Yelled a man from the back, his words hard to hear from the continuous gunfire, but as soldiers passed his orders down, the rain of bullets eventually stopped.

Seeing them finally stop, I set the tank back on the ground before standing and folding my arms.

"Who's the one in charge? Let's talk. You don't need to worry about your safety; no one will be dying today." Declared Tut, his voice passing through the entire convoy, reaching everyone's ears, causing several to frown, though none dared to say anything.

After waiting a few moments, from behind a humvee, I saw an older man with a similar amount of stars on his shoulder compared to General Klovin; now, I wasn't in the military, army, or navy, so I didn't have the best idea of how that stuff worked, but this man should be of the same rank as General Klovin, or at least close to it.

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