Untitled Part 78

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While walking through the group, occasionally helping those who required assistance, I spotted the group I had brought in the distance, and it seemed they fitted in nicely, well as nicely as possible, though the people here, despite being in a terrible situation, were mostly friendly. Maybe it was because they realized the importance of allies, or perhaps they just wished to befriend those in the same situation as them; there were probably a plethora of other reasons why, but either way, it was a friendly community.

However, what really made this sad was the number of survivors; although this place was nearly packed, there were only about eighteen hundred. Granted, the invading army was only attacking small cities, not major ones, probably because of how heavily protected they are, but even so, despite destroying six or seven smaller cities and towns, there weren't even two thousand people here. It just goes on to show how ruthless their enemies are, not even allowing civilians a chance to escape.

'I don't even understand why they would kill civilians; not only is it ethically wrong, but it also doesn't make any sense. Just capture them as prisoners, at the very least, if you don't want more soldiers.' Mused Tut, finding it hard to wrap his mind around the thought process of the invading army.

However, while walking, I spotted the siblings walking down a hall to my right after their little make-out session; they also noticed me; after all, Sara is hard to miss when she sits atop my shoulders.

"Is it just me, or do those two look familiar?" Muttered Sara as she curiously looked at Pietro and Wanda, who had both glanced at her.

"Yeah, they're the ones in the picture, you know, from the place where we almost died from that randomly exploding stark missile." Said Tut as he gave Sara a soft pat on the thigh, causing her to nod in understanding.

"Oh, yeah, now I remember; so are we going to talk with them?" Asked Sara as she looked down at Tut, who suddenly smirked, overhearing Pietro's words.

"I will, but currently, Pietro, the boy, is formulating a plan with Wanda to steal from us; he's also a mutant, so I'm curious to see how it'll go." Replied Tut with a slight smirk as he glanced at Pietro, whispering into Wanda's ear while the two constantly glanced at Tut.

"A Mutant? I wonder what his ability is." Said Sara curiously, only to squeal softly when she felt a hand slap her butt.

"Don't tell me you're interested in another young teenager, you pedophile; was one not enough for you?" Remarked Tut with a grin as he turned around and returned to where they came from while Sara huffed in annoyance.

"Hmph, how long will you hold that above my head for Tut?" Asked Sara with an irritated expression as he ignored the two twins and eyed Tut.

"Hmm, I suppose until I also become an adult, so, four more years; you've got a while to wait." Stated Tut, causing Sara to squeeze his head with her thighs, though she didn't seem to understand the heaven he was experiencing.

'Ahh, this is truly heaven.' Thought Tut blissfully as he felt his soul transcend the mortal plane and achieve godhood.



After Sara got bored of squeezing my head like it was a watermelon, which, if I'm being honest, might be the best way to die, have your head popped between two meaty thighs; I don't see how a man could die any happier than that.

Anyway, currently, I was heading toward the bathroom after asking one of the soldiers to lead me to it, and it wasn't because I needed to actually pee; it was because Sara did, and I was not about to have her pee all over me again.

"Here you go; you can pee by yourself, right?" Asked Tut as he and Sara entered the single-stall bathroom before lifting her off his shoulders and setting her feet on the ground.

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