Chapter 4 - Fire and Ice Collide!

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As the bell rang the students that left from earlier came back and sat in their seats waiting for our instructor. This would be the last class of the first day, I wonder what it'll be. A tan man in his late 20s entered the room shortly after the bell.

"Good afternoon students! My name is Professors Kukui, I'll be supervising this next class!"

Supervising huh? So he won't be teaching but rather watching over us. Kukui and Oak are very different, rather than old and gentle like Oak, Kukui could pass off as someone who graduated a couple years ago.

"Everyone follow me out to the battlegrounds! I'll explain our class there!"


The battlegrounds were just a short walk away from the school similar to the laboratory.  The main difference between the two is the battlegrounds are just out in the open and aren't built in something, which instead of giving the modern look like the laboratory, it's looks more familiar to other students.

Kukui yelled out to our class, "Now that everyone's here please listen! I will be handing out your own personal PokeDex and Pokewatch! After we will be having battles today! You can either choose your partner or I can choose for you!"

"For those who don't know what a PokeDex is or what it does it is essentially Pokemon encyclopedia that keeps track of all the Pokemon you have caught and seen and gives you information on them! The Pokemon you have caught will have more information than the ones you haven't!" Kukui explained

"The Pokewatch on the other hand acts similar to a cell phone with a few special features. The Pokewatch allows you to view what moves you have and the effectiveness against your opponent! It's a very handy device with other features I'm too lazy to explain!" He continued

The PokeDex huh, it's an interesting device for sure. It's uses are something that can be useful especially at this school, I believe I will attempt to fill it up. It can be an interesting challenge. The Pokewatch is just as intriguing as the PokeDex, it will be extremely convenient to those that don't have the type graph down or need to check their Pokemons moves.

Finally, I will get to battle, years of waiting and excitement for this moment. But before that I have to find someone to battle. Others have already chose their partner. Hirata and Karuizawa were already getting ready, Koenji and the red haired student that stormed out earlier were also doing that.

I on the other hand was just standing around, despite all of my training and intelligence the White Room never had any lessons on social interaction. Apparently my father somehow didn't deem that necessary, and due to that I am very socially awkward.

"Ayanokouji, battle with me"

I looked over to see Horikita demanding a battle, her Vulpix already out of its Pokeball bouncing in anticipation.

"If you insist."

We made our way over to the battle grounds and chose our sides.

"Huh, what an odd coincidence" I muttered to myself.

Much like our contrasting starter Pokemon Fire and Ice and her cold personality compared to my mundane personality she was on the blue side and I was on the red side. An odd series of coincidences.

"Speck, show your strength!" I attempted to shout.

Speck jumped forward from my side and let out his "battle call"

"Char! Char!"

"Vulpix, make this quick!" Horikita shouted, Vulpiux bounced out to the field.

"Pix!" Vulpix shouted.

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