Princess Sunflower's Birth

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Boom and Floyd had three kids Remix, Bang, and their most recent one Lavender who is a few months old

Boom got a letter from a bird

Boom: Ah! You've got to stop doing that. The Flower Kingdom and the way the deliver mail

Floyd: What's that?

Boom: A letter from my cousin Queen Rose

Floyd: Oh that's right she's queen

Boom: Wow

Floyd: What?

Boom: She and Fin had a baby

Floyd: Cute

Boom: They want us to go to the Flower Kingdom

Remix: Why Papa?

Boom: It's a tradition for the trolls of royal blood in the Flower Kingdom when they're babies to be presented to the kingdom. They did it to Rose when she was a baby though I barely remember it since I was also a baby when it happened

Bang: Did they do it to you?

Boom: No Bang I may be from the royal family but I'm not Rose's brother if I was then I would've done that too

Lavender: 😄

Floyd: Sounds like she wants to meet her cousin

Boom: Well let's go then

Then they make it to the Flower Kingdom

Rose answers the door and she looks tired

Queen Rose: Hey Boom welcome back

Boom: Hey Rose. Are you okay?

Queen Rose: Yeah I'm fine just really tired. The baby is really tiring

Boom: Really? You babysat Remix and Bang a lot so how is this hard for you

Queen Rose: Boom she's no ordinary baby she's different 

Boom: How different?

Then Fin came

King Fin: Hey Rose, have you seen Sunflower?

Queen Rose: No. Did you lose her?

King Fin: No. She did it again

Queen Rose: Oh no. Sunflower!

Sunflower: 😄

Then Queen Rose picks her up

Queen Rose: This is our baby Princess Sunflower

Boom: Awww 🥰

Floyd: She's cute

Then Sunflower touched a flower and it grew

Queen Rose: Not again

Sunflower: 😄

Lavender: 😄

Floyd: Well Lavender likes her

Remix: Wait Sunflower has magic?

Queen Rose: Yep Sunflower has magic like me

Boom: That's impossible only the king or queen has magic depending on which one is originally from the royal family. So how is it possible?

Queen Rose: We're still trying to figure it out, but maybe my parents know

Then they went to Bloom and Vine and Kopa and Renee were there too

Kopa: Hi Boom

Boom: Hi mom. Hi dad

Remix and Bang: Grandpa! Grandma!

Lavender: 😄

Bloom: Hi Rosie what's up?

Queen Rose: Well you know about Sunflower's ceremony today and we're very curious with one thing

Bloom: What's that?

Then Sunflower touches a flower and it grows

Vine: Whoa

Bloom: I see well this is normal

Queen Rose and Boom: It is?

Kopa: Yeah very common for a baby of royal blood in the Flower Kingdom to have magic

Then Lavender goes to Sunflower

Sunflower: 😄

Lavender: 😄

Then Sunflower touches a flower and it grows and Lavender touches the flower and it changes color

Boom: How did she do that? Only Rose and her family would have magic and I have no magic so how is that possible?

Kopa: I should've told you this a long time ago

Boom: What?

Then Kopa used his magic

Boom: You have magic dad?

Kopa: And so do you Boom

Boom: Since when?

Renee: Since you were a baby

Queen Rose: I didn't know that

King Fin: So it is common for a baby of the royal family to have magic?

Vine: Yes

Boom: How come you never told me?

Kopa: I didn't want to make you a target for enemies, but I should've told you the truth about your powers

Floyd: So Boom has had magic this whole time?

Kopa: Yes

Remix: Papa has magic

Bang: Like a wizard?

Kopa: Not a wizard Bang it's just magic

Bang: Okay

Boom: So how come I never knew about this?

Kopa: I was able to hide it from you so you wouldn't be a target to enemies, but I should train you in magic so you can control it along with Lavender since she clearly got her magic from you

Boom: Train us in magic

Kopa: Which means that you'd have to stay here

Boom: I don't know dad

Floyd: We're with you and will stay with you Boom

Boom: Thanks Floyd

Remix: Yeah we love you papa

Bang: Yeah

Lavender: 😄

Boom: Thanks

Bloom: But for now it's time to present Sunflower to the kingdom

Then they go outside for the ceremony

Then the royal apprentice Berry came

Berry: She's beautiful Rose

Queen Rose: Thank you Berry

Then Berry takes Sunflower and presents her to the kingdom holding her up like she's baby Simba

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