John Dory's New Life

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Today is John Dory's voice actor's, Eric Andre's, birthday. So I wrote this short story about John Dory and his new life as a dad

John Dory married Isla, the heartthrob in SisZone, a few years ago and they had a son named Bolt

John Dory: Morning Isla

Isla: Morning honey. Happy Birthday!

John Dory: Thanks honey

Bolt: Happy Birthday Dad!

John Dory: Thanks Bolt

John Dory picked him up and they shared a hug and Isla joined in

Bolt: What do you want to do today?

John Dory: Spending time with you and your mother is all I could ask for

Isla: And that's what we'll do today

They had a great day

They played some games, met with the rest of the family, but the most important thing of all they spent time together

They went home

Bolt: I hope you had a good birthday dad

John Dory: Bolt today was one of the best birthdays I could ever wish for

Then he put Bolt to bed

He went outside with Isla

Isla: Hi honey

John Dory: Hi Isla

The a moonbow appeared, which means a lot to John Dory because the night he first took Isla out on a date when they were teenagers and went to Music High a moonbow appeared in the sky

Isla: A moonbow!

John Dory: Just like the one we saw on the night we started dating when we were little

Then the 2 shared a kiss 

I hope you like this chapter

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