Clito Kids

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She is Clara and Vito's oldest. She has light blue skin, pink eyes, and yellow hair. She loves to sing and dance. She hangs out with her cousins, family, and friends. She has a positive attitude like his dad. She loves to eat sweets.


Clara and Vito's middle child. He has light pink skin, green eyes, and lime green hair. He loves to play with his cousins Palm, Remix, and Popper. He knows when to be fun and when to be serious. He likes to hang out with his family.


Clara and Vito's youngest. She has light orange skin, blue eyes, and mint green and pink hair. She is serious like her mom and takes things seriously. She wants to be a CPA like her mom and her Uncle Clay. She hangs out with Dawn, Melody, and Bang a lot. She can be shy some times. She loves her family.

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