Bamcy Starts

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Bam was Boom's older brother. He was recently saved by Boom and reunited with his family

Then he heard something

Troll: Let go!

Then Bam goes to see who it is and it was Prism's cousin Tracy. 2 bounty hunters had her

Tracy: Unhand me at once

Then a troll with wings and green skin grabbed her with a plant

Tracy: Mmm! Mmm! 😡

Nature: Let's not fuss now. You'll be good use to me

Them Bam kicked Nature and she dropped Tracy and he caught her

Tracy: You saved my life 😄

Bam: No problem 🥰

Then Tracy kissed him

Bam: 😳

Tracy: Thank you my knight in shining armor

Bam: Um no problem. Do you want to go out tonight?

Tracy: Sure

Then Bam went to Boom's house where he and Olivia were staying

Bam: 🥰

Boom: You good bro?

Bam: I met this girl named Tracy and I really like her and I'm going on a date with her tonight

Boom: That's great Bam

Olivia: Yeah it is


Bam: Hi Tracy

Tracy: Hi Bam

They had a great date and had their first kiss, but unaware that Brick was still alive

The next day

Boom: Hey Liv

Olivia: Have you seen Willow? She was supposed to meet me here

Boom: No. Have you seen Floyd?

Olivia: No

Bam: I can't find Tracy

Then they hear someone scream

Olivia: Willow! 😨

Then they go to the sound and see that Willow, Tracy, and Floyd were tied up

Boom: Floyd! 😨

Olivia: Willow! 😨

Bam: Tracy! 😨

Tracy: Look out!

Then they were knocked unconscious and Brick kidnapped them

Floyd: No!

Willow: You won't get away with this! 😡

Brick: I think that I already have

Then he put Boom, Olivia, and Bam in a sack and took them away

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