Secret Cousins

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BroZone and StarZone were hanging out

Then they hear their dad in the kitchen

Branch: Dad?

Axel: Oh hey guys

Flora: What are you doing?

Axel: Oh I was just preparing for my sister who is coming over with her husband and son

Floyd: You have a sister?

Axel: Yes but I haven't seen her since before the body swap

Jade Dory: What's her name?

Axel: Elena

Blossom: Cool

Then later Elena came over with her husband and her son

Branch: Will?

Will: Branch?

Elena: You 2 know each other?

Branch: We have the same friend group

Will: Well this explains why we are similar to each other

Elena: And this is my husband Finch

Floyd: Nice to meet you

Finch: Same here

The next day

Branch took Will to his friends to tell them what they found out

Hype: Hey Branch. Hi Will

Will and Branch: Hey guys

Branch: You won't believe what we found out yesterday

Trickee: What is it?

Will: We found out that we are

Branch and Will: Cousins

Ablaze, Boom, Hype, and Trickee: What?!

Trickee: Actually that explains a lot with why they look so similar

Will: Yeah and I'm glad to actually meet my cousins

Branch: Wait till you meet Prism she's my cousin from my mom's side

Will: Cool

Hype: This is great our two friends are cousins

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