Wedding Plans

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Hype: So your parents aren't married?

Ablaze: Apparently not and now they plan to get married soon

Trickee: Aren't you and Luna getting married soon?

Ablaze: yeah and my parents are getting married a week after

Boom: Okay

Luna: It's weird though also your dad really needs some serious help with admitting that he needs help

Ablaze: I know but that's my dad for you

Holly: Well your wedding should be easy

Ablaze: Yeah it's my parents I'm worried about because you know how they are especially my mom

Branch: Oh yeah I remember when we were kids and we were at your house your mom asked if we were hungry and we said no and she said, "Okay I'll make you something"

Trickee: Yeah I remember that

Ablaze: Yeah my mom doesn't really listen to anyone so telling her no doesn't mean anything to her if she wants to do something she'll do it

Boom: Now you tell us

Prism: So wait your mom is Spanish but your dad is Greek?

Ablaze: Yeah and Solar only understands Spanish and Greek

Poppy: Solar?

Branch: The dog

Ablaze: Yeah my mom adopted him before she had kids

Floyd: That's nice

Ablaze: It is other than the fact that he is a little over protective over mom and dad and will bite anyone

Hype: Yeah he almost bit me once

Holly: Are you okay?

Hype: Ablaze stopped him before he could bite me

Ablaze: Yeah I couldn't let him bite one of my friends

Poppy: So what's the plan for the wedding?

Luna: Honestly we don't know

Ablaze: Yeah we've been busy with my family and the recent problem with the marriage thing that we haven't thought about what to do for our wedding

Holly: I'm sure you'll think of something

Poppy: And we'll help

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